18} Reveal

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Bethany tightly wrapped the towel around her middle, and pushed her long, dark brown hair out her eyes. She was dripping wet, but she didn't care. Personally, she was really excited to meet the elusive voice on the other side of the shower stall.

"Okay..." she muttered to herself, her heart beating fast. Why was it beating fast? Well maybe the fact that she was about to meet someone dressed only in a towel. Yeah, that was it.

"Alright Alex," she said, and unlocked the shower stall. She pushed it open, and nimbly stepped onto the cold, tiled floor. She slowly lifted her head up, and gazed towards Alex, who was sitting, cross-legged on the sink.

Her own eyes widened in surprise, shocked at his appearance. He wasn't anything like she expected at all. He had wavy blond hair, that wasn't quite gold, but they matched beautifully with his deep, brown eyes, that sparkled with mischief and laughter. She suddenly felt very self conscious of her own, boring features. 

"Wow..." she heard him breathe, and she stared at him in confusion. "What's wow?" she asked, tilting her head.


"W-what?!" Bethany cried, face suddenly flushing bright red. "You - you don't mean that...?"

"Course I do," Alex replied, grinning back at her.

"Ah... um..." was all Bethany could reply with. Alex jumped off the sink, and walked towards her. She noticed that he was tall, the exact opposite of her own, small frame.

"Your eyes are beautiful," Alex suddenly said, and Bethany's face flushed an even brighter red.

"What?! No! No they're not. You should see my sisters'-"

"Yeah. But I don't care about your sisters' eyes," Alex replied, smiling down at Bethany. She bowed her head, and stared down at her toes. "My eyes are boring. They're such a stupid green."

"Really? Who tells you that?"

"My sisters!"

"Why do you believe them?" Alex asked her, frowning down at her. Bethany looked up and muttered, "They're my sisters, Alex."

"They're idiots."

"You're an idiot," Bethany retorted.

"I know," he told her, grinning. Bethany tried to look away from his gaze, but she couldn't help but smile as she stared into his eyes.

"Hey... Do you mind if I get changed now?" Bethany asked Alex, face still red. "Sure," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright. Bye now,"  Bethany said, waving at him.

"Bye Bethanae."

Shower Stalls - A Dialogue StoryWhere stories live. Discover now