Something New!

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Hi! I'm back again!

So, I hope I'm not being too forward, and I'll completely and totally understand if NOTHING happens. 

Right... so...

I'm thinking of holding a one-shot contest!

Whoo! Yay!

Not many people are going to enter, if any do, which I won't be surprised if they don't, I'll be so thankful. I know this probably won't happen, but I kind of just want to thank you, and also I want to ask you something else...

Who wants a sequel? 

I'm debating whether to make one, and am not sure on a plot. If no one likes the idea, I'll scrap it. Sometimes sequels ruin books.

I, however, am a fan of sequels, and bonus chapters, so another one would be fine for me to write! Just let me know, and I'll get back to you!

If you also wanna enter a one shot contest, let me know down below!

(Who else has read The Lunar Chronicles? I need to scream with someone about the most adorable ships in their beautiful pages. Marissa Meyer is amazing.)

But... I'm gonna leave now. Retreat back to the dark corner from whence I came. 

I go!


Bai Bai!

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