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alex.johnson@gmail.com: Hey Bethanae! How are you doing?

bethany.grethan@gmail.com: I'm good. You?

alex.johnson@gmail.com: Great. I'm so glad you can type with proper grammar!

bethany.grethan@gmail.com: dont b so sur ya little child.....

alex.johnson@gmail.com: Oh gosh... You need an apostrophe in 'don't' and 'b' should be spelt 'be'. Next, 'sur' is actually spelt 'sure', then the ellipse should only have three dots, not five.

bethany.grethan@gmail.com: O_O

alex.johnson@gmail.com: You alright?

bethany.grethan@gmail.com: I'm fine, grammar nazi.

alex.johnson@gmail.com: ...great...

alex.johnson@gmail.com's nickname was set to Grammar Nazi

Grammar Nazi: Gee... Thanks...

bethany.grethan@gmail.com: What can I say except you're welcome?

Grammar Nazi: Help me please...

bethany.grethan@gmail.com: Nope!

bethan.grethan@gmail.com's nickname was set to Crazy Lady Who Sings

Crazy Lady Who Sings: Alright. Great. Creative nickname.

Grammar Nazi: I know, right? ^-^

Crazy Lady Who Sings: Yeah, I

Crazy Lady Who Sings: hello? who's this?

Grammar Nazi: Uhh... Bethany? Is that you?

Crazy Lady Who Sings: no. its her sister.

Grammar Nazi: Yeah. I've heard about you. How about you give Bethany back her phone?

Crazy Lady Who Sings: what the hell is this nickname. where she sings?

Grammar Nazi: I don't even think I can read these messages. The grammar is just too horrible.

Crazy Lady Who Sings: shutup where you know bethany from?

Grammar Nazi: I'm not telling you. Now give Bethany back her phone, or I'll get really mad.

Crazy Lady Who Sings: stupis idiot.. 

Crazy Lady Who Sings: Sorry about that, Alex. Sylvia stole my phone for a minute.

Grammar Nazi: That's fine. It melted my brain though. Her grammar is so bad.

Crazy Lady Who Sings: Lol. Okay, I should go now. She's complaining to my mum.

Grammar Nazi: See ya!

Crazy Lady Who Sings: Bye!

Crazy Lady Who Sings has left the conversation

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