27} Still Nothing

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"Nothing again?"


"How about you tell me your last night's dream."

"Sure. It was about a huge dog that was chasing me through the woods."

"That's a great dream."

"Cats are better than dogs, FYI."

"Really? Yes! Someone who understands!"

"You have a cat at home?"

"Yeah. His name's Turtle."


"Don't judge."

"I'm not. Cute name."

"I know. You have a cat?"

"No... One of my sisters is allergic."

"Oh... You'll get one one day!"

"Thanks! What about your dream last night?"

"I dreamt I was playing poker with a dik-dik."


"I might have been texting Lachlan way~ into the night..."

"Ya think?"

"Yeah- Oh. Gotta go."

"Oh... Okay..."

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