29} Lindsay

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Alex groaned, turning around to see the face of Lindsay, who's eyes were cold and curled hair bouncing on her shoulders. She batted her eyelashes at me, but I ignored her, rolling my eyes and folding my arms across my chest. "I already told you. Please leave me alone."

"Oh... please? You know that I-"

"I don't care. I have told you to leave me alone!" Alex cried, narrowing his eyes at Lindsay who's face instantly morphed into a frown. "You idiot!" she shouted, and everyone's head turned to face the two of us. "I'm the only person in this school who cares the slightest bit about you!" 

I can see Lachlan staring at me from across the room, and he has a small smile on his face. I mouth rude words over Lindsay's shoulder at him, and he just smiles back even wider. 

"Goodbye now, Lindsay."

I push past her, muttering under my breath. My hands are clenched into fists, and I can feel sweat pouring down my neck as everyone's gaze follows me down the hall. I close my eyes and grit my teeth together, trying to ignore everything. 

Once I've turned a corner, I let out a sigh.

"Sorry, Lindsay. But I need to do it..."

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