Chapter 21 - 3rd Person Point of View

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Brooke sat on her bed, tears staining her cheeks.

"We can fix this...," Jordan whispered, not quite sure of himself.

Jordan had always pictured Brooke as a younger sibling, so the thought of them liking each other weirded him out. Brooke thought the same of him, but an older brother.

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked.

Jordan grabbed her phone and texted Julio back, knowing what to say.

To: Julio <3

Julio, it's not what it looks like. Jordan and I were just hanging out as friends since Adele was at work today.

From: Julio <3

Yeah, "friends"... Do you see how close you guys are?

To: Julio <3

We were laughing about a story we were talking about!

From: Julio <3

We're over, Brooke...

Jordan sighed when the texting conversation was over, and said, "I'm sorry, Brooke."

Brooke was in complete shock, and Jordan sat down next to her and hugged her once again.

She burst out crying in his arms, and he was quite sad himself.

Does Adele know?, he thought to himself. The thought was scary.

His phone buzzed in response, and he quickly took his phone out of his back pocket, hoping it wasn't bad news.

But, of course, it was.

From: My Everything :)

Don't think we're still together, because we aren't. Julio sent me the picture that he got DM'ed.

And then, Jordan felt like crying too.


Julio had no idea what to do. Broken was one feeling he had, jealous was another. Anger was what he truly felt, though.

He never thought she would do something like that, especially with one of his best friends.

Jordan cheated on Adele, and Brooke cheated on him.

Julio knew he couldn't let thus hurt him. He had to keep on making videos. He had to be happy. In the back of his mind, he truly wished that fan never sent him that picture. But he knows the truth now.

He just hoped his plan worked, because Adele's flight just left.


"Adele!" Jordan knocked hard on her door, Brooke by his side. He needed to get to her; to apologize, so everything would be okay again.

"My cousin... She hates me now... I-I can't anymore...," Brooke stuttered when she didn't answer.

"Can't what?" Nervous, Jordan turned to her.

"Do this anymore..."

"YouTube. Julio, he was the reason I started YouTube. He was my role model. I admired him. I also had a tiny crush on him. And if he's going to be the reason I started YouTube, -"

"He'll be the reason you quit," Jordan finished, "Brooke, don't let this bring you down."

"Like this isn't bringing you down?"

"Okay, fine. Don't let it make you quit. Ignore them. They don't believe us. I'm not going to let him hurt you, Brooke."

"What about you?" She asked, "What about your feelings?"

"My feelings don't matter."

Brooke sighed, not responding to that. Then she got an idea, "Maybe we could take a break for a few days?"

"I actually like that idea," Jordan answered, "and when we go back, we'll be the first people we collab with."


Jordan knocked once more, before saying, "She's either not home or she is blocking us out. Let's go..."

Once they got back to Brooke's, they rushed up the stairs to her room, where Brooke immediately fell onto her bed, sad. Jordan sighed, knowing they were in deep shit. They both lost their favorite people in one day. Actually, one hour.

They both threw a pity party in Brooke's room after Jordan checked out of his hotel early. He couldn't leave her alone.

Not like this.

He slept on the floor just like Julio did, but no one was going to even think about that.

The next day was worse. They woke up around ten and recalled the night before, which was spent watching countless movies and sobbing (Brooke mostly, although Jordan did too). They considered each other best friends now.

But the main reason the next day was worse was because when they woke up, they noticed that they both got a text message from the people they wanted back so much.

After this, they didn't.

From: Tomahawk

You did this.

From: Adele

Payback's a bitch, huh?

They both had a picture attachment.

They looked at each other, tears filling their eyes as they looked at the picture on both of their phones.

Julio and Adele looked like they were in the middle of making out.

They weren't actually dating. They knew it, but their plan worked, as Jordan and Brooke were both heartbroken.

They went that low.

"W-why would they do that t-to us?" Brooke asked, looking like she was going to break down again.

"They were jealous. They wanted to see us hurt, and they are. They win," Jordan answered, deleting the picture from his phone, as well as Adele's contact. Brooke did the same with the boy that hurt her.

His heart hurt.

"So... Do you want to reconsider our quitting YouTube plan?" Jordan asked after a long pause.

"Our? You will too?"

"You were going to?" e asked.

"After this, of course," she looked down.

"We'll do this together?"

"We don't have to do anything. All we have to do is disappear."

So Brooke shut down her computer, hugging Jordan after. This was going to happen. Together, they were going to disappear from everything.

And disappear from everything they did.


So we have reached the end of Stubborn, ladies and gentleman. Damn, this is emotional.


Not right away though.

This is so sad holy motherfuck. I want to hug Brooke and Jordan and tell them it's gonna be okay and djjfejnfsdj cdj

But this is fiction. GET IT IN YOUR HEAD KERRI GOD!

So check out my other stories lel. Like my Kiani fanfic, joke.

Or my Will fanfic which I'm updating later today, Write ;)

Or my Graser fanfic, Nothing. This one is emotional.

Is it bad that I had to go check to see if I had another fanfic

But I doo. It's called Cliché and it's a grape fanfic

Shameless advertising yooo

Btw the reason there's no bold/italics is bc I'm updating on an iPad and it's being a shiieeet so ill edit it later.


For the last time in this book (or maybe not idfk)

Signing out,

~Kerri xo~

Stubborn // ThatOneTomahawk (CubeFicAwards Winner)Where stories live. Discover now