Chapter 14 (Pt. 2) - Brooke

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Chapter 14 (Part 2) -Two Weeks?!

My parents were seated in the living room, smiling at me as if they had done something to embarass me.

But they didn't. They did something to make me extremely happy.

"Julio," I breathed, giving him a hug. This is all so different. I can hug him. We can talk face-to-face.

"Brooke," he breathed back, letting me hug him.

I was in shock. Complete and utter shock.

How did they do this? All of them? They took time out of their lives to come and visit me.

"How did you all get here? Geez, this is a lot," I breathed. Everyone chuckled, but beside me, Lily wasn't saying a word. She was standing there, with her mouth wide open.

"Lily, did you know about this?" I asked her. She shook her head.

I could tell that Colleen and Katie knew about this. I hugged them tight, and then I hugged Lily.

After hugging everyone (who were all standing in a line), I asked again how everyone got here.

"Well, we got here free, which we all feel bad about...," Mike trailed off.

"Who paid?" I asked, getting nervous.

My dad stood up, walked over to me, and said, "I think it's time we tell her."

"What? What do you have to tell me? Am I adopted?" I rambled, nervous.

"No, no, no," everyone laughed, "The reason everyone got here is because we are wealthy, Brooke. Very."


We're rich? How? My mom is a house mom and my dad is a lieutenant!

"Dad's not a police officer," my mom explained, "He's the CEO of Brisk."

"Hey! Brisk makes pink lemonade!" Julio shouted. We all laughed again.

Julio loves pink lemonade.

"Wait, so you're saying that we're rich?!" I yelled.

"Basically. Lenny already knows," my mom said. Lenny walked out from the kitchen, saw me, and ran over and hugged me.

"Happy birthday, Brookie," he said, and then pulled out a big box.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it. You'll see," my dad answered.

I ripped the box apart and opened it. What did I find?

A third monitor and a new graphics card. Exactly what I needed. Well, the graphics card at least.

"Mom! Dad! Thank you so much. I love you," I went over and hugged them. A lot of hugging was occurring, and that's not even it so far.

They both answered with 'I love you too's, and then I went over to Lenny and asked, "So when do you want to play Minecraft now?"

"Maybe in a few days," he answered, "but this is definitely making up for it."

"I'm still in shock," I breathed, "But how long is everyone staying?"

"Well, everybody but Zach, Julio and Jordan are leaving tomorrow night," my dad explained.

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