Chapter 10 - Brooke

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Chapter 10 - Hide and Seek and Hangovers

"Hello my Stubborns! Brooke, otherwise known as the Stubborn Biotch, here, and today we are back with some more MCSG!"

"Oh, and Tomahawk's here!" I added once we got stuff from Corn.

"Thanks for finally mentioning me," he laughed.

It was a Sunday, which meant that we got a successful recording on our second try. The first one was a fail. I died five minutes into the game.

But in the second game, we wrecked. Literally. I got a stone sword at spawn and killed off five people there.

Once I did my outro, Julio asked me, "I'm doing a hide and seek with Graser, Bayani, Rusher and H on the Cube. Would you like to join?"

"Who's recording?" I asked in response.

"I know Graser is, but you can too, if you want," he answered.

"Okay, I'll just check with Graser. Are we doing it now?" I asked.

"Yeah, in like ten minutes. Do you want to just talk until then?" He asked.

"Video chat?" I asked.

"Sure!" He sounded excited for some reason.

I pulled up Skype and muted my mic on TeamSpeak, as did Julio.

Once I answered the call from him, his handsome face popped up on my monitor's screen.

Wait, handsome?

I mean, I'd always consider him hot. I've been watching his videos way before he knew who I was. I did have a YouTube, but I only had like, 10k subs. Now he has 60k, and I have almost 200k, thanks to the collab with Tyler, Kyle and Shelby.

Shelby and I are good friends, but we haven't gotten a chance to talk in a while.

I have always had a bit of an obsession with his videos.

Because I thought he was cute.

But now that I know him, it would be awkward for me to like him.

But he still is cute.

"Hello," he looked down.

"Hi," I said, and after a moment, he still wasn't looking up, so I added, "And why aren't you looking at me?"

"Oh, no reason," he looked back up at me.

That was weird.

"What's up?" I asked.

"It's a typical Sunday. I have to go to school tomorrow, and I have a project due on Friday. Thomas and I are working on it together."

Thomas. I haven't really talked to him that much before. In the month and a half or so that I'd known Julio, I've only talked to him once, and that was on Julio's birthday, when he was at his house.

"Cool," I answered, and leaned back in my chair.

"What about you?"

"I was invited to a party," It was true. I was invited to a party that was going to be on Friday.


"Of course not!" I laughed, "Friday night."

"And are you going?"

"Yeah. My friend Caleb's hosting it."

"Are there going to be drinks?" He asked, looking concerned.

"If I know Caleb well enough, yes, there is going to be drinks."

"Are you going to drink?"

"I don't drink. Don't worry."

Stubborn // ThatOneTomahawk (CubeFicAwards Winner)Where stories live. Discover now