Chapter 7 - Julio

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Chapter 7 - Flowers and Fbomb

"Can I do the intro?" I begged Graser. He finally gave in and said, "Fine."

What we were doing was Bayani, Graser, and I were going to pretend to be alone and record a Cube episode at Graser's house, where Brooke was going to hide in Graser's chest room and stay silent. We were going to fix the floor someone blew up (I'm pretty sure it was Vas) and make another beacon for him. We were all going to go up into his chest room, where Brooke was going to be crouching in the corner. Graser was going to scream and ask her what the hell she was doing in his house. She was going to say, "I thought you wanted to meet about how I'm supposed to join The Cube?" and he was going to say, "Yeah, but not now!", and finally give in and say, "Welcome ThatStubbornBiotxh to The Cube!", and tour her around spawn with Jordan and I, Adele by her side.

This was going to be fun.

"Should we start?" I asked, and they responded 'yes'. 

"Wwwwwwwhat's up guys, Tomahawk here, back with some more Cuuube! Today we are here with Graser and Bayani, and we are going to help Graser10cp here with making a beacon!" I started.

"Hello, my friends!" Graser yelled.

"Graser, calm down," Bayani joked.

"Oh shut up," he replied. We all laughed.

"Anyway," Zach continued, "Tomahawk and Bayani, do you have the iron for this beacon?"

I checked my inventory, and answered, "I have 30 iron blocks."

"I have 16," Bayani said, "So Graser, where do you want this? I have places to be...".

"Oh be quiet, Bayanidood," Graser remarked. 

I wondered how many xGrayani edits would be made of this scene.

"I want it in the front of my house," Graser said.

"Oh, so specfic...," Bayani joked once again.

"Bayani, I will ban you from this server."

"Oh no, Graser! I'll stop!" Bayani jokingly replied.

"Thought so."

Graser finally lead us to the front of his house, and stood in the place he wanted it. 

"Wait, guys, I need to get my beacon!" Graser yelled at the top of his Graser. His mic squealed, and my headphones caused my eardrums to pop.

"Graser!" I yelled, but not loud enough to make my mic screech. We all laughed, and followed him in his house. Everything was going to plan. 

"Why are you guys following me?" Graser asked, sounding amused.

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