Chapter 6 - Brooke

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Chapter 6 - Second Cousins and A Surprising Invitation

My family dinners weren't just with family. Whenever we had these type of dinners, both Lenny and I were allowed to invite over a friend or two. My cousins usually also came over, and we had a fun time. My mom told me that we had second cousins coming over with our first cousins, so we were going to meet new family.

I wanted to invite Colleen and Katie over, since I hadn't talked to them in a while. Well, I've talked to them, but I hadn't hung out with them in a while. I took the opportunity after talking to Julio to call them.

It turned out that both of them couldn't make it. Colleen had a family event and Katie was out with her boyfriend already.

Soon enough, my cousins were starting to arrive. I turned off my computer and went to the kitchen. My baby cousins, Natalie and Max, were there. They were two year old twins, waddling around my living room. Kennedy and Livi were gently playing with them, which I thought was cute.

My mom was setting up my dinner table for the adults. We had a smaller table set up in the living room for the kids. I usually just ate in my room with Katie and usually Colleen (but not today), and I played Minecraft while they texted and talked about whatever.

The dinner that night was chicken parmesan. I was really happy since I loved it. Well, I love all food, so there's really no difference if the food happened to be hot wings.

I love hot wings.

I sat down on the floor and played with the twins and the dogs for a bit. I really loved children, but because of my 'reputation' at school, I pretended I was all bad. But in reality, I was a closet nerd with an actual heart.

Suddenly the front door opened. A family that I'd never seen before. It was only three people. There were two parents, and a girl that looked only a few years older than me, who looked like she was in college.

Probably my second cousins, I thought.

My mom hugged the woman, and my dad causally bro-hugged the man, which was really unusual, considering my dad wasn't one bit laid back. The girl stood there awkwardly. She reminded me of myself, awkwardly standing around.

"Brooke, this is Adele. Adele, this is Brooke, your second cousin," my mom said, gesturing to the college girl standing there. I stood up, smiling at her. Adele suddenly looked at me and her eyes widened.

"H-hi," she stuttered. I was confused.

"Hi...?" I responded, still confused. Luckily no one noticed the awkwardness, because they were too focused on greeting each other.

"Do you want to go to my room and get to know each other?" I asked. She immediately nodded and I pushed past the crowd, leading her to my room.

"Just ignore the noise next door. My brother Lenny has his friend Tyler over," I sighed. When Lenny had a friend over, they were loud. She nodded, still looking shocked.


I brought her into my room, and she gasped. I knew why she was shocked. Before I could ask her, she breathed, "Your ThatStubbornBiotxh."

I smiled and nodded.

"Oh my god," she sat down on my bed. I decided to hug her. I was just as shocked as she was, considering I never met a fan.

"You're my second cousin. Holy shit," It's funny because she knew it was okay to curse in front of me.

"So Adele, what do you want to know about me?" I asked, smiling. I expected Adele and I to be good friends, because obviously she played Minecraft.

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