Authors note (very important please read)

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Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I got a few questions I need you guys to answer!

So I'm starting school in 3 days and that means am not going to have much time to go to wattpad. So I was thinking that I should like maybe only update twice a week or once a week. Here comes the questions

1 ) Should I update twice a week or once a week??

2 ) Choose 2 days or 1 ( Friday , Saturday ,Sunday , Wednesday )

3 ) And also, what do you guys think about this story ? (be honest )

Bad , Terrible , good , awesome , okay , not so bad , I think you can do much better etc. please answer honestly please guys!

4 ) Who's your favourite character and why?

5 ) Who's your lease favourite character and why??

And also do you guys think I should make a chapter about questions you guys want me to answer about the book?? I will also answer a few questions about myself if you want :)

Guys I really need you to answer this questions, there very important to me! And it will mean the world! Also guys please be honest very honest in question 3, because if there's something about the book that you don't like I'll try to do my best to fix it! I don't want you guys to read a shitty book! And I'm pretty sure I need to fix a lot of things about this book!

I've always wanted to say thank you to all of the people that have been reading this book from beginning to end and have voted and commented so many times it really makes me feel so many good mix emotions I love you all ,really ,and I wish I can meet every single one of you ! <3 I hope you all stick by my side till the end of the story :)

Also guys thanks you so fucking damn much for 561 favs that's is so fucking much for me! And also think you for 15k readers :))))) and for 88 comments :) I really hope we can get to about 130 comment that would mean a lot :) I feel really grateful for having you all 😊😊😊 you guys are the best! LOVE YOU ALLL SOOOOO MUCHHHHH!!!!

I love you all my little potatoes! byeee

-OD ♥️♥️

One Direction Bullied A VampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora