1 week later

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Alex P.O.V

It's been a week,
A long ass week. I've been training 'How to control' my thirst and I've been doing pretty well honestly. I have to start school soon and the rest of the guys are coming with me because you never know what might happen. I am still new at all this. So I wonder if anything will go wrong?

I've also decided to do some changes with myself, I wanted to look like more myself since I can do many things now that I couldn't do before. I dyed my hair back, I've got a nose piercing and a few tattoos in both of my arms.
I've changed quite a lot within a week but I'm happy and proud.

I feel more alive and better. I just got the tattoo now so my arm hurts a little but oh well what can I do? It's not like it can kill me because now basically nothing can.
I can't feel pain either, at least not a lot of it, I don't know if I should feel better about that or not.
But I'm going to have to live with it.

I was walking inside the cabin when I heard a gasp I turned around and saw everyone there.
"Yo guys!" I smile,
I know that I shouldn't be as close as I am to them but it's kinda hard not to be, they made everything seem happy and well and like my life wasn't hell before. They have made me laugh so much within a week but I don't know still if I can trust them?
Can I?
Wow you're stupid, aren't you? Of Course you can't!
I'm still trying to figure myself out but I'm getting better. Hopefully one day everything will settle.

"Ohh my gawd gurlll that tattoo is totes awesome!!" James yelled in a high pitch voice. I started laughing at his idiotic behavior, that boy can really make anyone laugh.

The others started laughing to and looked at my new tattoo

"Woah, it truly is awesome" Heaven said pointing at my tattoo.


"Same here"

"ZayUmmm I want one"

I laughed at the last comment and said my 'thank you's' to my mates.


"HA! I beat your ass again" James and I have once again ended up playing  FIFA and I've won every game. I'm a proud winner HA.

"Alex you want some food?" Jacob asked, I turned around with a are-you-serious look.

"Bitch, why you asking a question you already know the answer too" I sassed back to the complete idiot.

Jacob laughed a little before he left to get my food.


I was done with my food finally,
Maybe I can draw right now? Just for a little while?

"Goodnight guys, REmember we got hell tomorrow that we got
To attend, fuck my life" I groaned in anger I f!cking hate that place why does it even exist honestly. "Fuck that shit" I hear someone say "Goodnight Alex-Bear!" The rest said and so I went to my room.

But I couldn't fall asleep, it felt like someone was keeping me awake but it was only my thoughts.
Ready to attend school again?
Ha you probably won't survive knowing you.
Piece of shit hopefully the five of the guys will beat you to a pulp again you freak!

Well it looks like I won't be going to sleep any time soon.


Heaven P.O.V ( yay first time for Heaven!!)

*next morning*

"It's like I'm SL-"
Nothing better than waking up to 'Sleepwalking' by Bring Me The Horizon
Well today is the day.

"Heaven you better wake up! We're going to school today!" I heard James yell from behind my door.

"Well no dipshit!" I'm not a morning person but no one can blame me, I hate waking up this early especially when I have to go to school to learn about shit I probably won't use in my life knowing me.

I decided to take a three minute shower and I finally just put in a band Tshirt some skinny jeans and my black converse with my black beanie. I just left my hair down and put some mascara and liquid eyeliner on.
Well I'm done with my shit so finally I'll just go downstairs.

"Took you long sleeping beauty"

"Shut up"  man I can't handle this twats.

Alex  P.O.V

I've been awake all night, I Couldn't sleep at all.
Maybe just maybe a shower will help me out.

I Took a five minute shower and I just decided to put on my original clothing style.
I put my hair up in a messy hair bun, with some skinny jeans, white Shirt with a varsity jacket, my black vans and then I just ran downstairs.
Everyone was ready but to no surprise Heaven wasn't.

"Grrr is Heaven almost done" I asked annoyed,

"Supposedly" James said responded

Five great minutes later Heaven came running down the stairs almost tripping over 
"Took you long" James said smirking
"Shut up"Heaven said barked back.

After all the arguing finally everyone got into James car and we started driving to school.


When we got there everyone was a bit jittered up so we listened to some music before getting out of the car, of course with everyone looking at us.

"Welcome to hell guys"


Hello! i'm rewriting the whole story so please if you see any mistakes comment on it so i could fix it! till next time! cx

-Ollie :p

One Direction Bullied A VampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora