3. Memories

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Previously on remember...

As she looks at the roses, she has this weird feeling in her head. She stands up and tried to walk it off.

"Milady are you okay?" one of the gardeners came next to her.

"Y-Yes I'm fine." "Don't worry about me." she continued to walk until she collapsed and everything turned into a pitch black.


The Gardeners called for help and her brother Jesse picked her up bridal style. He quickly went into the castle and putted her onto a sofa.

He put his hand on hers,"Eva p-please wake up." Tears started brimming in his eyes.

Eva was still unconscious, but something was going on in her head.

A memory of some kind from the past came to her. It was a some kind a wild party. She saw one familiar face there.


He standed up and grabbed Eva by the hand. Then they went to the dance floor and started to dance. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled Clueless Eva closer to him.

"I told you to stay away from angels sky." He said that while he's stroking her cheek.

She was still confused at who was "sky"

"W-what do mean?" She stood there frozen in the spot she was standing in.

"Little Eva, your not who you think you are."

Her vision started getting darker and she couldn't see anything anymore.


She started to gain conscious in her body and Jesse was still at her side.

"J-Jesse?" He looked surprised and smiled in relief, "Eva! I'm so glad your okay."

"W-What happened?" Eva questioned Jesse.

"You fainted outside in the garden and then I brought you here." "Y-You don't remember?" Eva nodded a no.


Eva went into the bathroom and went to the sink. She turned it on and splashed water onto her face. She patted her face with a towel and she heard a 'bang!" outside.

She quickly opened the door and saw that Jc had a red box.

"What is that Jc?" she went closer to him and he looked frustrated.

"T-This was your birthday gift from Harry, but I d-don't know what was in it....I guess it's broken now..." he said worryingly.

He faced her and she face him. "Let's me see what was in the case." She smiled at him.

He nodded and she bented down and took a look at it. She took of the ribbon wrapped on it and opened the box.

"T-This is....." Jc said in surprise.

"It's my music box when I was 3 years old!" Eva said happily.

She opened it, but it didn't work.

"Probably it broke when it fell onto the floor." Eva thought to herself.

It had a mirror and a little brush that said S.M, which Harry said to her that meant smile makeover.

She never knew what that meant....ever.

"I'll put it into my chambers..." "Thank you Jc." She hurried to her chambers and tried to turn the little key....but the little music box wouldn't work.

She kept trying and trying until...it did work.

The little ballerina in the middle went in circles and she looked into the mirror.

Quickly I vision of the woman in her dreams was her?! In a second she returned to herself.

Eva was terrified and quickly put in one of her drawers.

She heard a soft knock on her door.

"Milady Prince Harry is here." she heard Brenda's voice through the door.

Eva gulped and said...."Yes uh Brenda I'll be down in a second."


Authors note: Sorry this chapter is short, in trying to think of new ideas for the sequel. I'm running out of ideas for this story! Don't worry tho, I still have lots of chapters in mind. :))

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