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I opened my eyes and I was staring at my wall. When the hell did I get home from the airport? I turn over and feel someone in my bed. Calum? No, it can't be, he's dead. The person groans and turns over, Jennie. "Jennie!" I say sitting up. "When did we get home? How are you asleep when the boys are dead?!" Jennie groans again and covers her face with the pillow.

"What are you talking about, Liv? Who's dead?" She questions me. I yank the duvet off of her and stare at her. Please tell me she's joking.

"Calum and Michael and Luke and Ashton," I say. Jennie rolls her eyes at me.

"Seriously? Liv, why would they be dead? You've got to stop eating sweets before bed. No one is dead." No one is dead. No. One. Is. Dead. Oh, no. Did I dream everything again? Why the hell did I dream that they died? My head was totally messing with me at this point. Two dreams where I meet Calum and I wake up right after. That can't be a coincidence.

I looked at my phone and saw the date. June 21st, 2017. After Jennie's birthday. Maybe this time I'm not dreaming. Maybe this time I don't meet Calum and maybe this time he doesn't die. I stood up and grabbed some clothes to change into. As I pulled the hoodie over my head, my phone chimed. A notification. As I stared at it, I wanted to run down stairs into traffic and throw myself in front of a fucking bus.

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