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I awoke alone. Calum's side of the bed was empty. I sat up and looked around, none of his stuff was scattered across the room. His side of the bed looked as if it was never slept in. I stand up and walk to the closet to put on some clothes. I looked for his green empathy hoodie, but I couldn't find it. All his stuff was gone. I grab my phone to see if he texted me. I stared at my screen for a minute. What happened to the picture of Calum and I that I had set as my screensaver?

I unlock my phone and go to my messages to text Calum, but I couldn't find them. I go to Twitter, but couldn't find our dms. I clicked on his name and almost cried, he wasn't following me. Maybe if I call him, he'll answer. But I don't remember his number! Fuck.

I dial Jennie's number and wait for an answer. As soon as she answers I start ranting. "Jennie, Calum is gone. Shit, everything on my phone is gone, all our messages and pictures, everything; gone."

"Woah, slow down, what do you mean Calum is gone?"

"Calum wasn't here when I woke up, and all his stuff is gone!"

"Okay, are you fucking nuts, Liv? There is no Calum!"

"What do you mean no Calum?" Was she acting like Calum wasn't my boyfriend?

"Liv, why would The Calum Hood be in your bed?"

"Because he's my boyfriend!" I could hear her laugh.

"Liv, you're fucking losing it!" I could hear her sigh. "Just get ready, it's my birthday remember? We're supposed to have lunch." Birthday? No, her birthday already passed, it was almost Christmas, not May!

"Jennie, it's almost Christmas. What are you talking about?"

"Olivianna, it's fucking May twenty-seventh, 2017!" 2017? No, it's 2018. I look at my phone and look at the time. There, in bold whiter letters it read; May 27th, 2017.

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