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Jennie and I were out eating dinner for her birthday. I was still not over the fact that I just dreamed up a life with Calum. How does that even happen? When I checked on Twitter, he wasn't even following me. All our photos: gone. But I still remembered every memory between us; his voice, his laugh, his hug, his kisses. Oh god, his kisses. I really dreamt that up?

I was picking at my food, I really didn't have an appetite. Jennie forced me to dress nicely, for taking photos. I had to fake a smile in every single one. I scrolled through my twitter feed and saw Calum was online. I felt my heart sink, I so wish I hadn't dreamt everything up and that everything was real.

As I kept scrolling, Jennie started freaking out. "Liv! Oh my god! The boys, they- they're here!" I whipped my head to look at her.

"What do you mean they're here?" I asked.

"Like they're in our city for a small vacation!" She shoved her phone in my face to show me the tweet.

@5SOS: we're in Florida for the week xx

We were both freaking out. Maybe I had a chance to see Calum and figure out what the fuck my dream was.

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