8 - Hide or Die Part 2

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Lots of actions in this chapter...I think? haha. -- NEEN


The Panesh woman, who named herself Yolanda, was currently sleeping on the couch. She was weary and tired. She cried herself to sleep after she had shared to us her misery. Well, my young master didn’t listen to her annoying sobs, because he went away first and busied himself with his G-watch. I could only tell that he was trying to communicate with his cousins in England. 

I covered Yolanda with my coat, then I walked towards the Pilot room where my young master was currently at--the walls were made of glass so I could see him in every angle. The Panes Palace was twenty-minutes away from our current coordinates using the combat ship. I was told it was the farthest Block in the country, and it was intentional that way. My young lord wanted to meet the President, and I couldn't argue more.  

"Lilly? Lilly, if you receive my message, please call me back." I heard him say. "Answer my calls, okay, I just want to make sure you're alright while I'm away." Lady Lilac (my young master called her Lilly) was Lord Christendom's favorite cousin, and he treated her as his own sister. The lady was left in the household with Russ, waiting for our short return.

Although Lilac Garnett was from the royal ancestry, she wasn't considered as noble, as well as her older brother. Only those who carry the name Query were considered as royals, and Lord Christendom was the only Query that was left ever since his parents died. 

He ended the message when he noticed my presence, and asked, "Is she sleeping now?" He was referring to Yolanda. 

"Yes. She's snoring in fact." 

"What about your wounds? You should be resting." 

"Zion's medicine is effective, my lord. I feel lively." I replied.

"Oh, so you still didn't throw that thing?" 

"His information is needed. We should tell the President about Zion.” I told him momentarily.

“I can’t find a reason why we should.” He replied, his slender fingers were busy on the hologram screen, reflected by his G-watch. The system was trying to connect with the Query Household’s security, but the signal was mysteriously poor so he stopped trying. "Do we have a problem with sattelites now?" I heard him muttering.

Query, by the way, was Lord Christendom’s ancient family name. As a matter of fact, my young master’s complete name was Earl Christendom Henry Query II, Royal of the Query House—in papers it was not legit if one letter was missing. In the news however, most people knew of him as Master Henry of the House of Query. Yes, he got himself a lot of royal names and most of them were not necessary.

“I thought you would ask about the incident and request explanation from the Palace? Isn’t that why we’re going there?”  

“My only concern is to pursue my business meeting with President Gana. That’s the reason why we’re heading to the Palace.”

“In the middle of this chaos?” I went to him and I must admit that I was a little discouraged to know his selfish motive.

“I haven’t been serious with anything except managing my businesses, Charlie. You know that. Let's stick to our original reason why we're here. Besides, I told Lilly that I won't take longer.” 

"What about Yolanda?"

"The Palace can accomodate her better, don't you think?" He turned to look at me with his cunning stares. I didn't say anything after that. I just stared at him. And I couldn't tell him that he was in a dangerous situation. That this incident, these machines, this chaos, was not a natural event. That whoever initiated these things surely wanted him dead--even without Zion telling me. But I could not tell my young master because I was afraid that I would end up telling him that...that I might not be able to protect him.

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