25 - Bloodless Figthers

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Author's Note: Thanks to my readers and to my silent readers! Thanks for the vote and all. I will try to finish Zion before 2014 ends, so yeah, we're almost there! Nope, don't worry, Zion will come back again with a new part of the book this 2015! Basically, this series is divided into 3 parts. The book parts are as follows:

Book 1 - Zion, The Pursuit of Positive Crime

Book 2 - Zion, The Identity of Crime

Book 3 - Zion, The Last Crime

Please, please, please support me and Zion! Thanks a lot! Happy holidays and advance HAPPY NEW YEAR guys! I love you all.



The memories I have with my bearer is clear and sound, it is kept safely in my database—untouchable by anyone except him. And there is a reason for it.

AI gadgets were initially created to help mankind in their everyday living, and when it succeeded, a group of people saw the potential of gadgets in the war. They called themselves Silent Politics. They funded Sean Priory and his team to enhance the gadget, and for the first time, a combat machine was created.

That combat machine was me. But I was a failure.

I was tested to see my skills and a real soldier was my opponent. However, I malfunctioned. My program was not perfected. My gears didn't attain the warfare standard.

From then on I was doomed to carry the burden of being a failure, even though I was the first combat machine. In another view, I was just a prototype.

Later on, Sean Priory created another one, and this time he perfected it. He was called Valiant. Valiant took the highlight and I was soon forgotten. Unfortunately, I was later junked into Station 6—the place of all junk machines. Oh yes, I've been there already. However, that's the starting point of my journey. Because it's the place where I met my second bearer.

He was Positive Crime.

He found me. And recreated me. Heh. Sean Priory wasn't alone. Someone genius than he was actually existed. I was abandoned, but Crime brought me back.

I'm afraid, Zion.”

What are you afraid of, Father?” That's what he wanted me to call him, even though he was young then. He was twenty when he found me, he was twenty-five when he perfected me.

Unlike Sean Priory, there is evil inside me,” he told me as he looked at me. “And when I look at you, this evil stirs up more, sooner or later I might lost myself. That's what I'm afraid of.”

Human nature is scary,”

It is.”


Cyborgs are pushing forward. In the corner of my eyes I see lots of slaughtered soldiers already. And lots of exterminated machines. Can't be helped. I check my battery level and it's not decreasing fast. I admit, it's all thanks to Vasanti.

Now let's check how far it can go!

I push forward and run speedily, away from the peripheral vision of human soldiers. I slash the cyborgs at both sides as I run, then I halt. Now that I'm here at the enemy's realm, I grip my sword tightly as I jump to release my MFE.

“MFE release!” I yell as I feel the energy coming out from me, a circular magnetic field extends out—all cyborgs it touches are immediately turn into blue ashes. In quick seconds, hundreds and hundreds of cyborgs have been cleared out. And my batter level is as good as 80%.

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