Minho Imagine: The Girl that Lived on the Other Side

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Warning: Mentions blood and guts; [E/C] stands for "eye color"
Word count: 2043 words
Quick A/N: Hello readers! It's been a very long time and I am truly sorry for that. School has been rough, along with my mental health, but I think I'm finally getting back to somewhat normal. I hope everyone is doing well with COVID-19 being strongly present worldwide. You are all in my heart and I wish that you all are able to stay safe. Love you all and thank you for reading. <3

Minho had been in the Glade for three years. He had run every single corridor he found, every single place in that Maze he had run thrice over. Everything was always the same: mossy stone and occasional vines. He never saw anything out of the ordinary. He never saw anything he thought he had to bring up. He never thought he found an exit.

It wasn't until a few weeks after Chuck showed up when things started to get a little weird. It started out simple with things no one really noticed. For example, the vines seemed to move slowly up the wall and shrink in a way. Minho had noticed this while running one day, and at first he thought nothing of it. The days went by, however, and the vines only seemed to grow shorter.

The next week, it only seemed to get weirder. Not only were the vines nearly impossible to reach from the base of the walls they grew on, but pieces of broken metal were scattered along the ground. These pieces weren't everywhere, but there were enough to draw attention to themselves. This was the event that didn't only catch Minho's eye as it had also caught several other Runners' as well.

It wasn't until six days before Thomas came when things became truly bizarre. It was an event that Minho remembers so clearly, it was almost frightening. As he ran through the Maze memorizing the patterns with ease, he stumbled upon a girl. She had been standing next to one of the walls, knife in hand, taking the vines that she had been cutting. The two didn't interact in any way except for making small bits of eye contact. The moment she realized Minho was real and did see her steal the green leaves, she dashed away. This day was also the day he decided to explain it all to his close friends.

"I have news," He spoke once the three other boys arrived at the Mapping Hut.

"You found a way out?" Newt eagerly asked with small hint of excitement. Minho shook his head which caused the sudden happiness in the Second in Command's eyes to disappear.

"I saw a girl today," Minho spoke. The boys' eyes widened.

"A girl? You're shucking kidding," Gally laughed. "There are no girls here, and I know that for a fact."

"Not here in the Glade, Shank. She was in the Maze," Minho reached into his bag and pulled out the scrap paper he had written on. The rough sketch showed a small part in Section 7 where he had spotted her. He pointed, "I saw her here and found her cutting the vines from the walls."

Alby folded his arms in thought, keeping an eye on the map where Minho had pointed. He stayed silent, allowing his mind to try to logically explain what a girl was doing out there.

Gally, on the less serious hand, continued with his fit of laughter. He placed a hand on the table and in between giggles he spoke. "So...so you're telling me that there is a girl roaming around Section 7 maintaining the vines. Minho, that's the best joke you've told yet."

"Hey, quiet, Gally. Minho actually seems serious about this," Newt rubbed his forehead, brushing his blonde locks back. He sighed, turning to Minho. "Anything else about her?"

Minho shook his head. "She stared at me for a few good seconds and then dashed off. Pretty quickly, might I add."

Alby nodded slowly. "When you go into the Maze tomorrow, look around for her. No one's survived a night in there, so I'm interested in what she has to say."

Maze Runner Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें