Thomas Imagine: Familiarity

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Warning: Language
Word Count: 1414 Words
Dedicated to: BiSexual_Libra47
Quick A/N: Hallo lovely Readers. I don't think I'll ever stop apologizing for how my hiatuses I end up taking. I swear I didn't drop off the face of the Earth, I simply have just been very busy with work, Uni, traveling, and have been having some health issues. In other news, this imagine is another deaf_female!reader imagine. I am not deaf nor do I have a hearing disability, so if I get some of the ASL wrong, I am very very sorry. Please comment or like to let me know if you'd like a part two :) ~July 14, 2023
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Former Albuquerque, NM, USA

"Are you hungry?" Her mother signed by making the letter 'c' with her hand and moving it down the middle of her chest before pointing at the girl. She nodded with a smile. Her mother brought over a white plate with a perfect looking meal.

She watched as the others in the lab worked, viewing cameras and tracking vitals. Being a scientist was definitely a difficult job, she was lucky her mother was in charge and could teach her how everything worked so she wasn't simply thrown into it when the time would come.

She, much like all the other Subjects, was born after the Scorch, after the Flare had been discovered. She was fortunate enough to have a mother that was able to keep her safe, but it came with a cost: she never had any sense of sound. [Y/N] grew up with those that were put in the Trials, watching one by one as they disappeared into the facility. She became friends with practically all of them, teaching them small portions of sign language to prevent that big of a barrier.

Her closest friend was a boy named Thomas. She remembered when she first met him, a small fragile boy by the name of Stephen. Of course, he was a Subject so his name had to be changed, but everything else about him stayed the same. He was strong and funny, and the years only did him justice by making him more attractive, muscular, and tall. They're bond was a cherished one and the night before he was sent into the facility, they spent it like it was their last. After all, to them it was.

He was the last one to be put into the facility just a mere three days ago. [Y/N] had kept watch of him through the cameras to make sure he was doing ok. Sometimes, the boys wouldn't readjust that well to those that they already knew.

"[Y/N/N]," Her mother finger spelt her name with a smile as she came over. "Eat up. It'll get cold if you wait."

Her smiled dwindled and her eyes went wide at the view behind her mother: armed soldiers dressed in black shooting the scientists down. Her mother turned and when she saw the view, she turned to her assistant. "Get [Y/N] prepped for the Maze Trials," The assistant opened their mouth to argue but she shouted. "Now!"

[Y/N] stuck her left hand up, spreading her fingers with her thumb pointed to her chin. "Mom!"

"You'll be safe there," She signed quickly. "Go now!"

Before [Y/N] could stop and pull away, the assistant injected anesthesia and various benzodiazepines into her arm and the world began to go dark. The girl was quickly stripped from her clothing, dressed in layers that matched the rest of the Subjects, and placed in the metal wired elevator.

"Dr. Paige, are you sure you want to do this? She's your daughter who is completely deaf," The assistant spoke. "She might not last in there."

The woman nodded. "Even she could be the Cure. There's only one way to find out."

• • • • •

"How come I know that sound?" Thomas spoke as the boys began to run out of the Council Hall. They were about halfway through their meeting on determining what they should do with him after he ran into the Maze when an alarm began to go off. 

"It's the Box," Minho spoke. "But it shouldn't be up for another month." The two glanced at each other before following the others. It was Newt that had opened the Box and jumped inside, but everyone who could see inside had the same puzzled expression that he had.

"What is it, Newt?" Thomas called and his expression remained the same as he met his face.

"It's a girl," He looked back to the person. "And I think she's dead," Thomas pushed his way forward and stared down at the girl. She did in fact looked dead, as she was sprawled out on the ground of the Box, eyes closed, unmoving. He jumped in and carefully encroached on the body. She looked familiar, but why? He knelt down, placing two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. Sure enough, it was there, and she was in fact alive. How did he know her? "Alright, let's get her to the Homestead and hope she wakes up soon. Jeff, you keep an eye on her. Fry, prepare an extra plate of food just in case. Tommy," Thomas looked up at him, and the Second-in-Command let out a sigh. "I'm making you a Runner, but don't go getting your ass killed immediately. Be responsible, not a shank."

It was Thomas that carried the girl out and to the Homestead. She never even stirred. Once she was placed onto one of the beds, Thomas still stood there. "Do you recognize her?" Minho asked. "I get that we haven't seen a girl here before, but there's no other reason to keep looking at her unless if you think you know her."

"I think I knew her before this," The brunet bit his lip in thought. "I'm not sure though, but please don't let Gally know. He doesn't need any more ammo against me." Minho nodded in response.

The day progressed rather normally: Thomas and Minho ran back out into the Maze to investigate, they came back in the early afternoon for lunch. Out of curiosity, the boy checked in on the mysterious girl, but found her still asleep. Why did he know her? He sat down in the chair next to where she lay and after a few moments, she stirred. His eyes went wide as she slowly pressed a hand to her head, and he stood up when she began to sat up. "Jeff, Clint," He shouted. "She's awake!"

When he locked eyes with her, they both simply stared, and her familiarity only increased. They knew each other before this. He fumbled for words and she didn't dare speak. Jeff came in with water and a plate of food, and placed them on the small table by her bed. "Glad to see you're awake, Greenie. Here's some food for you in case you're hungry." He spoke, and her eyebrows grew together in confusion.

She pointed to herself and then the food. Jeff nodded. "Yeah, that's for you. I just said that. I'll leave you alone for now," The Med-Jack turned to the brunet and nodded towards the door, but Thomas saw the girl shake her head "no".

"I think she wants me to stay," He whispered, his eyes flickering from the girl to Jeff.

The boy sighed, rolling his eyes. "Whatever, man. Just make sure she eats and doesn't try to escape."

Thomas took a seat and watched as the girl's eyes follow the Med-Jack out the room before turning back to the boy. She pointed to herself, then up to her cheek, and then pointed at him. He stuttered. "I, I don't know what that means," She repeated the motions and he shrugged. She shook her head in annoyance and turned away, looking around the room. She spotted some paper on the table across from the bed and stood up to get it. "I don't think your supposed to touch that-" He got up after her but she was already grabbing it and searching for something to write with. "Hey," He reached for her shoulder but stopped when she scribbled and then handed it to him. He took the paper gently and read the words carefully written in all caps: I KNOW YOU. He took the pencil from her hand and underlined it before handing it back to her. She looked up and he nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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