Breaking Up (Part One)

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Thomas Imagine: *still editing*
Warning: None
Word Count: x words

It takes you only a couple of moments to realize that Teresa, the newest Greenie, knew Thomas. You hated how she would keep saying his name. Then when she awoke, and climbed the search tour, and she started throwing rocks!

"Hey! It's Thomas! It's Thomas!" Thomas said. The girl looked over the railing and stopped throwing rocks.

"I'm gonna come up, okay?" He said, before climbing up the ladder. It was silent at the top.

"Hey, [Y/N]. It's fine. It's not like he's replacing you," Newt said, trying to make you feel better.

About a hour had passed and Thomas didn't come down from the Search Tower with the Greenie.

"[Y/N], can you go up and check on them?" Newt asked. You nodded, before starting to climb the ladder. You could hear muffled voices, but when you got closer, you could understand them.

"I knew you from somewhere, Tom,"

"Teresa, I think I knew you, too,"

"What if we were lovers?"

You couldn't take it anymore. You climbed up the ladder to the top of the Search Tower and found Thomas and Teresa kissing.

"Thomas..." You whispered, clearly heartbroken.

He sees you and stops kissing Teresa.

"[Y/N], it's not what it looks like," Thomas says.

"How is kissing that shank different than what it looks like!" You yell.

"[Y/N], listen to me-" Thomas starts, but you cut him off with one question.

"Do you not love me anymore?" You cry.

"Listen, things have changed now that Teresa is here. We might have been dating before we came here," Thomas says, flashing Teresa a smile. She returned one to him.

"So it's...over?" You gulp.

"I'm sorry," He says.

"No, sorry I ever got involved in your life, Slinthead," You spat before climbing down the ladder. You try playing 'tough girl', but you ended up crying when you reach the bottom of the ladder.

Newt Imagine: *still editing*
Warning: None
Word Count: x words

"I don't want you going in the Maze anymore!" You heard Newt yell. You had recently broke your left wrist due to an accident of accidentally falling on it.

"Newt, it's my job to go into the Maze!" You shout back.

"I'm second in command, [Y/N]. I can change you being a bloody Runner!" Newt yells. You've never seen him this angry before, and to be honest, it was scaring you. But you still continued to argue.

"But I'm so close to finding a way out of this shuck place!" You wail.

"[Y/N]! Open up your eyes! There is no way out!" He yells.

"Yes, there is, Newt! I can ever show you!" You yelp.

"Just don't even go back in there!" Newt continues to yell.

"But it's my-" You start.

"You know, why do I even bloody try. I won't ruin your life anymore," He mutters, walking away.

"W-what..." You whimper. Tears are falling, but this time, Newt isn't there to comfort you.

Minho Imagine: *still editing*
Warning: None
Word Count: x words

"Oh my god! Why are you such a Slinthead! First you try and kill yourself in the Maze, then you disappear and do not do your part and now you're making me look like a shuckfaced shuck!" Minho yells at you.

"Minho, I'm sorry," You whisper. That's all you can say.

"Well sorry won't help shank!" He yells before walking off.

"Minho-" You start.

"Don't you 'Minho' me!" He yells, turning around in frustration.

You're sick of him acting this way, so you blow up.

"Alright, listen 'Mr. Klunk for brains'. Stop being a shucking slinthead and do your part and not yell at me cause I thought I should die! Be a shuck Runner and don't yell at me like I'm a little girl! I can handle things myself," You glare, this time walking away from him.

"Shank, I am doing my shucking part!" Minho yells after you.

"If you were, you would leave me alone and know that this time, we're throught," You stomp away.

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