Newt Imagine: You Love Her, Don't You?

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The first thing Thomas noticed when he arrived in the Glade was Newt was always around [Y/N].

It wasn't a bad thing, but Thomas couldn't help but find it a little weird being that they weren't a couple. He understood that [Y/N] was a Runner and Newt was probably one of her closest friends who barely got to see her because of her job, but it seemed like something much more.

Newt had a nickname for [Y/N] and complimented her on the simplest thing possible.

In the morning one day, before the Runners got ready to leave, Thomas stood with his Runner's pack at the Doors. All of the Runners were there, including [Y/N]. Newt also stood by the Doors that would soon be open, and he talked quietly to [Y/N]. Thomas couldn't tell what they were talking about, but whatever it was, it made [Y/N] look down at the ground with a shy smile.

A couple minutes passed, and the Doors opened. Thomas saw [Y/N] wave good-bye and run inside.

"Bye, Newt. See ya." Thomas spoke to his friend while heading into the Maze.

The day moved on slowly, but Thomas managed to get through it. He arrived back about a half an hour before the Doors closed. He saw Newt standing in the same spot he was in the morning, almost as if he hadn't moved.

Thomas was about to speak, when [Y/N] ran out of the Maze.

"Newt, how long have you been standing there?" She spoke, slightly laughing.

"Too long," Newt replied. She laughed at his reply.

"Eh-hem. [Y/N]," Minho said catching her attention. She turned towards Minho. "Have you mapped your Section yet, Shank?"

"No..." She said. Then she turned to Newt. "I gotta go. See you later!"


That night was a bonfire. Alby allowed one so all the Gladers were having lots of fun. Thomas sat next to Newt, facing the Doors. They were chatting, but it got quiet.

"You love her, don't you?" Thomas said out of nowhere.

"Yes," Newt replied.

"You guys would make a cute couple," Thomas replied.

Newt chuckled. "I'm lucky if she even considers liking me more than a friend."

Thomas looked at his friend. "I think she loves you. And you love her. Which means, you guys would make a cute couple. But you can only become a couple if you ask her."

Newt sighed. "You're jacked, Tommy. You really are."

But what neither of them knew was that [Y/N] heard their entire conversation.


After everyone was asleep, Newt finally headed to his room in the Homestead. He closed the door behind him and lied face first into his pillow.

He couldn't stop thinking about the girl he loved so dearly. He frankly had no clue what to do and a knock on his door only interrupted his thinking.

He sighed, annoyed and walked to the door. He opened it and he saw [Insert your name here] standing there.

"[Y/N]..." He stuttered.

"Hi, Newt." She smiled that shy smile he loved.

"Um...what-what are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I overheard your conversation with Thomas. Do you really love me?" She asked.

He nodded. "[Y/N], I bloody love you."

"Good. Because I bloody love you too." She responded with a smile.

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