Newt Imagine: She was Supposed to be Dead! (Part 4)

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Warning: None
Word Count: 2627 words
Author's Note: [Y/L/N] stands for "your last name". I forgot about this mini series, but a few of you requested its so it's back! My apologies for it being about fifteen thousand years since I've posted anything. Hope you enjoy!!

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They had arrived outside of Denver in the evening and decided to develop a plan to find [Y/N]. Jorge had told them about the Last City, but since he hadn't been within the city limits in years he wasn't much help. They had created a plan on sending Newt in to see if he could find [Y/N], but the blond spoke against it.

"They took her for a reason," He spoke. "They're not just going to wipe her mind and have her wonder around the city. They know what she's capable of now."

"Well, what if we send someone else in like, uh, Jorge. You know your way around here better than we do," Thomas thought, his gaze turning to the man.

"Hermano, do you know how long it's been?" Jorge slightly laughed. "I wouldn't last a second in there."

"Alright, alright," It was Minho that spoke this time. "Why don't we just send Brenda in dressed like one of them?"

"That's my daughter you're talking about," He earned a glare from Jorge.

"I don't have a problem with that," The girl spoke. "The only issue would be is getting her out. Newt's got a point, we don't know where she is or what they've done to her."

"She might not even be here for all we know," The Brit's voice quieted in sadness. He looked down at the table they all stood around.

"There's only one way to find out," Thomas muttered and he watched as Newt's hazel eyes met his own. "You and me, what do you say?"

The blond closed his eyes in thought as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He opened them with a slightly worried smile. "Alright, Tommy, what'd ya got?"

• • • • • •

She walked down the white hallway of the building, her white lab coat blowing in the slight breeze she had made. Her heels clicked on the tiles, her fingers played with a coin in her pocket while her other hand gripped a tablet. Something felt off, strange, unnatural. She felt out of place, but she couldn't tell why. Janson had told her she had been a scientist for WICKED for years, but something about that position didn't fit her the way she had hoped.

She knocked on the tall, matching white door, then took the doorknob in her hand and twisted it open. The blonde woman stood there at her desk with a gentle smile.

"Good evening, Dr. Paige," Her accent made her stick out like a sore thumb here. "I have the results, if you'd care to take a look at them."

The woman waved her in with a smile, and quietly [Y/N] handed her the electronic. She watched at the chancellor scrolled through the data, closely examining her facial expressions as she looked at each piece. She couldn't tell if the data was good or bad. Ava Paige finally looked up and grinned. "Excellent work, [Y/N]. These results are very promising," She handed her back the tablet. "Now, I know you have recently undergone an injury here, and I admire how you were able to come right back to work. That shows strength and determination to do what's right," [Y/N] smiled. "I am a bit concerned that you feel a little off, however. I know it's a bit personal and unprofessional for me to ask but are you doing alright?"

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