Thomas Imagine: Better Off Dead

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Warning: Insanity? Tears? The Flare? Not sure if they need a warning...
Word count: 1040 words
Quick A/N: ok so let me apologize in advance. I'm so sorry that this one sucks and is short and just bleh, I'm so sorry for those of you that decide to read this....

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She had found Thomas on the floor of the building, groups of teenagers drunkenly dancing around his unconscious body. Minho and Newt helped carry her boyfriend's body to the second floor, carefully placing him on a couch until he woke up.

Jorge had told them about this place. The owner, Marcus, used it to trap young people. He provided alcohol and let them have a good time partying, then the morning came and WICKED showed up to claim more subjects. Marcus betrayed Jorge somehow, and was paying the price by having his face beat in by Jorge's fist.

[Y/N] played with a strand of hair that had fallen loose from the two buns she shoved her long, thick hair into. She felt off, however, different from how she had been. She looked at her hand, straightening her fingers, noticing shaking. She caught Newt looking over at her in question and she quickly put her hand down, looking over at Thomas to see if he had moved.

"[Y/N]?" Newt said, quietly in hopes to only get her attention. She turned towards him, nodding for him to continue. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Just a cramp in my hand is all. No need to worry." She smiled. It was a lie, but how could she tell her best friend that she feared something was making her change? Not just personality wise, which she had noticed quick thoughts of anger not long before.

Thomas stirred by her side. She turned to see him. He held a small smile on his face as he looked at her.

"Well, good morning. It's about time you woke up," she muttered. His hand grabbed hers as he continued to smile.

Minho walked over and leaned over [Y/N] to see Thomas's face. "Welcome back, Shank," He simply replied, causing both Thomas and [Y/N] to slightly laugh.

"So, what did I miss?" Thomas asked, sitting up. Jorge was still breaking in Marcus's face, which caught Thomas by surprise.

Jorge turned to him. "Ah, you're awake. Here I was worried that Marcus had given you too much alcohol or that poor [Y/N] wouldn't get to see you again." He slightly laughed, then took another hard swing at Marcus' already bloody face. Yelling at the man, he continued back to what he was originally doing before Thomas had woken up.

"Anything else I should know about?" Thomas asked, turning back to [Y/N]. She looked at Newt, thinking. "I mean, we plan on going to the Right Arm," Newt spoke. "That's about it."

"The same plan. Good to know." Thomas responded as he watched as [Y/N] got up from the couch and walk towards the balcony. "Did-did something happen? She isn't mad about me not going with her, right?" He turned towards Newt. The Brit knew something was wrong with his best friend's girlfriend, but he wasn't sure exactly what. The last thing he wanted to do was alarm them with false information.

Outside on the balcony, [Y/N] stood looking at the rest of the sunburnt Earth. Her hand continued to shake, anger continued to build up inside of her. She was scared and she didn't know what was happening. She looked down at her hand, trying to make the shaking stop. The sleeve of her shirt fell down a small bit, exposing a pale arm streaked with dark veins.

She recognized this. Winston had the same thing before he died. The longer she stared, the most she wanted to laugh about it. Of course, she wouldn't be Immune. Of course! She pulled her sleeve back down when she heard the door open and close once again.

"You alright, [Y/N]?" It was Thomas. Of course it was him. The fact that he was the one to check on her angered her, but she wasn't sure why. Everything angered her now. She could tell she was getting closer to the Gone.

"Yeah," She continued to stare ahead at the barren wasteland. "I-I just needed some fresh air," She held back a laugh, even though nothing was funny. "It was a bit stuffy in there."

"Oh, uh, ok. Jorge was able to bargain a truck out of Marcus so we can go to the Right Arm. We can finally escape from WICKED." Thomas stood next to his girlfriend, leaning against the small railing.

[Y/N] laughed. "Free? From them? Highly unlikely. They're everywhere," She grumbled.

This caught Thomas's attention. She was acting very different than before. "What's wrong?" He pushed.

"We're not safe! We were never safe! You'll never be safe! The Right Arm isn't going to do anything to help protect us. WICKED is everywhere. They know everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if they beat us there to the Right Arm," She held back another laugh of sheer terror. What was wrong with her? She had to stop, but she couldn't. It's as if once she knew about it, the awful Flare she had, she couldn't control it.

Thomas held her by her shoulders. "Calm down, alright? You're starting to worry me. You've-you've never acted like this before and it's scary!" [Y/N] held tears in her eyes. She backed away from her boyfriend, afraid she would lash out uncontrollably.

"I-I don't want to go with you. I have my reasons," She lowered her head.

"What?" Thomas asked, a look of confusion and slight terror marking his face.

"I can't. I-I'm..." She trailed off, pulling her sleeve down. Thomas noticed and slowly took a step towards his love. He gently took her arm in his hand, slowly lifting up the sleeve. The moment he saw the dark veins, he swallowed down his tears.

"No, no, you-you have to come with. Maybe-maybe someone can...someone there will..." He stuttered.

"Thomas," [Y/N] whispered, lifting her head up to look into his eyes. "I'm better off dead."

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