Thomas Imagine: The Cure

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Warning: Guns, shooting, blood
Word Count: 2515 words
Quick A/N: So I haven't seen TDC in a while (due to it never being on TV and my family never wanting to watch it) but I think for the most part this is pretty similar to the ending? Maybe? I don't know...hope you enjoy anyway though!

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[Y/N] had seen a lot in her lifetime from what she remembered. She had seen a good friend who felt like a brother to her be shot. She had seen her boyfriend go through the changing. She had been trapped in the Glade overnight and been chased by Grievers. And now, just moments ago, she had to witness her boyfriend's best friend go so insane, it drove him to death.

She was good friends with Newt as well, but her boyfriend was much closer. It angered her because she knew he shouldn't have died and she could've saved him. She had a special trait about her, something different from every other Glader. She was the Cure.

She had found herself inside the building that they had just saved Minho from. Ava Paige was inside still working to somehow cure everyone. [Y/N] held a gun in her trembling hand as she walked down the hallway, looking for Ava. It may sound cruel, but to her it was simply vengeance. Ava was the sole cause to not only [Y/N]'s misery, but to everyone she cared about. Ava was the reason for why they were all stuck in a Maze instead of living normally outside of it.

Luckily to her, Ava was walking down the hallway. [Y/N] yelled her name, her voice shaking as she stared at the villainous woman. Ava Paige walked up to the fragile girl, noticing the shaking gun.

"[Y/N]," Ava started. "I'm...I'm sorry."

"No! No you aren't!" The girl scoffed. "You caused all of this! You could've left us alone but instead you forced us all into a big experiment none of us asked for!" She pointed the gun at the woman, but didn't shoot. Her hand shook.

"I know. But I'm still very sorry. I didn't know it would lead to something like this. I...I just wanted to look for a Cure, not send everything into a downhill spiral. I didn't want any of you to get hurt," Her eyes wandered to whoever was behind [Y/N].

"[Y/N], I know you angry and upset. So am I," Behind her at the end of the hallway, stood Thomas. "But killing Paige isn't going to fix anything. It''s not..." He hesitated. "It's not going to bring anyone we've lost back."

A gunshot, and Ava Paige fell to the ground. [Y/N] let the gun slip from her fingers and fall as she backed up a few steps, covering her mouth.

"Ah, [Y/N]. Just who I was looking for," She heard a voice that sounded familiar. She looked up from Ava's dead body to see Janson.

"Janson?" She questioned. He looked unwell as he started to walk towards her from the end of the hallway.

Hearing Thomas's calls for her to run, the girl began to back up, but Janson started to run after her. She felt a small pinch in the side of her neck as she continued to try to leave the building, try to get to Thomas. Slowing down due to sudden tired eyes, she reached to the side of her neck. She pulled out a small dart holding it by the feathered end.

She began to fall, started to feel heavy. The dart bounced to the ground from her fingertips. Her eyelids felt heavy, and the last thing she saw before they shut was Janson's evil smile.

• • • • •

Her eyes slowly opened. She went to rub her head, but only found herself to be bound to a medical table. Fear instantly flowed through her body as she tried to get up.

"There's no use for that, [Y/N]," Janson spoke from where Teresa worked with vials.

She was further in the building, in one of the experimentation rooms much similar to what Minho was held in. To her left was an anxious Teresa working away with a very insane Janson watching her. To her right was another medical bed, but with an unconscious Thomas strapped to it.

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