Meeting (A Real Life Imagine)

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Thomas: You walked into your high school, walking up to your best friend, Isaac Newton, named after the famous Isaac Newton.

"Sup, Newt," You say, a simple smile on your face.

"You and your nicknames for me," He says, laughing.

"I've got nicknames for everyone! It's just the natural me," You say.

"Of course it is, [Insert your name here]," He says, rolling his eyes. You walk into the school, and head to the library.

"Would you prefer me to call you Isaac?" You ask.

"What? No! I don't want to be called a name belonging to some bloody dead guy!" Newt says. All you do is laugh.

"So then I'll call you Newt," You say. You and Newt reached the library and go to your usual spot where you meet up with your other friend who hated his name so much, that he wanted you to call him Minho and nothing else.

"Hey, Minho," You say, pulling out your 'Maze Runner' book. You don't bother to sit down, because you knew the bell would ring soon anyway.

"Hey, [Insert your name here]. Did you here the great news?" Minho says, bouncing up and down in his seat.

"No...what bloody happened now?" Newt asks.

"Did Albert 'banish' someone from the school!" You laugh.

"No, there's a newbie!" Minho says, squealing.

"And?" You ask. A couple of seconds later, someone knocks into you, knocking your 'Maze Runner' book out of your hands.

"Whoops, sorry," Someone says, picking up your book and handing it to you. You see it's a boy with dark chocolate hair and glasses that you don't recognize.

"It's fine," You say, tucking a piece of your hair behind you ear. Newt smiled down at you, and Minho laughed. See, whenever you tucked a piece of you hair behind your ear, it would mean you are very nervous...VERY very nervous.

You mentally facepalm, and then Minho (being the annoying shank he is sometimes) cuts in.

"I don't believe we caught your name," Minho says.

"'s Thomas," The boy says.

"Why don't you stick with us. I'm sure [Insert your name here] here would love to show you around this bloody place," Newt says, placing a hand on your shoulder. He is laughing when you give him a glare.

"Okay, sounds good," Thomas says, giving you a smile.

Lunch. You ran to your locker and grabbed your [Insert color] lunch box. You walked to your table where, as usual, Minho and Newt were talking.

"What ya chatting about?" You ask sitting down, next to Newt.

"Nothing," Minho says, covering his mouth to try and hold back a smile.

"What happened now?" You ask, rolling your eyes.

"We'll let Tommy explain that," Newt says with a smile.

Thomas soon sits down, next to Minho.

"So, Shank number 1 and Shank number 2 over there," You say, pointing to Newt and Minho who are giggling. "Say you want to tell me something,"

"Um...nothing I need to say to you," Thomas says.

"Okay then," You respond.

"C'mon, Tommy! You had to say something to the girl!" Newt says.

"Yea, and it's not just your line of 'I hate people and sarcasm is my only defense' thing because I am personally way better at sarcasm than you," Minho says.

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