You're Sick

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Thomas: You are sitting at the table for breakfast when you start to feel dizzy. You close you eyes, and breath in deeply.

"[Insert your name here], are you okay?" Thomas asks.

You nod, your eyes still closed.

"[Insert your name here]? You look pale." Thomas says alarmed.

"I-I'm fine." You respond, getting up to go to your hammock. However, your legs fail to work and you fall down.

"[Insert your name here]," Thomas says as he scoops you up in his arms. "I'm taking you to the Med-jacks!"

He quickly runs to the Homestead, pushes open the door, and lyes you down on an empty bed. Your eyes start to flutter shut, black circles start to form in your vision.

"Just keep your eyes open," Thomas says. "Keep your eyes open."

* * * *

"[Insert your name here]? Can you hear me?" You hear Thomas say. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing Thomas standing there.

"Tom, what happened?" You asked, rubbing your head.

"You kinda passed out." Thomas said, playing with a strand of your hair.

"Sorry." You murmured.

"As long as you're fine now, I'm good." Thomas said kissing you on your forehead.

Newt: It was a cold night in the Glade and all you had was a little pathetic scarf that didn't keep you warm. You tried going to sleep, but you were too cold.

"Love," You hear Newt say. "you're shivering. Are you okay?"

"Y-yes." you manage to say.

"Here," He says taking off his white sweatshirt. "This should keep you warm."

"N-no c-cause won't y-you be c-cold?" You ask, still shivering.

"Love, I'll be fine." Newt whispers, getting into your hammock with you. He gently puts his sweatshirt on you and wraps his arm around you.

* * * *

The next morning you wake up, still cold. You are still shivering and Newt is besides you still asleep. Your throat hurt so badly and you had a stuffy nose. You couldn't help but start a coughing fit.

Newt immediately woke up with tired eyes.

"[Insert your name here], are you okay?" He asks, putting his hand up to your forehead.

"I'm fine." You say between coughs.

"No, your not fine," Newt says. "Take the day off."

"Newt, I'm fine." You say before starting a coughing fit again.

"Love, please take the day off. For me. I don't want you getting more sick. I'll be back soon." He says kissing your cheek.

Minho: You were doing your job with Minho in the Maze. You were running to your section when you start coughing like crazy.

"[Insert your name here], you feeling okay?" Minho asks, standing still.

You nod, still coughing.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

You just kept coughing.

"[Insert your name here]. Are. You. Okay." He says, pausing for you to 'understand'.

"Minho, do I look okay? Let alone, do I sound okay?" You ask, you voice only coming out in a raspy whisper.

"Nope. So off to the Med-Jacks we go!" He says, linking your arm with his and skipping (yes...skipping) out of the Maze.

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