Arcee's Adventures in Babysitting pt1

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Arcee was pinned down. The decepticons had ambushed her only a few clicks from the pick up zone. She had vital intel, regarding the positions of elita one and the other camians. Sensitive documents brokering their alliance. Things she was prepared to wipe her processor and offline herself to save. A brake in the blaster fire. She took her chance, and dashed from her cover.

"Now would be an excellent time for that pickup!" she shouted into her comlink as she ran. Her enemy spotted her bright pink plating and fired. She was just able to nimbly drive behind a crumbling building.

"They are riding my bumper hard here, I request backup, command do you read?" static crackled before Redalert's voice came through.

"Read you loud and clear Arcee, reinforcements are on their way to you position at 20- b8 delta, two clicks north by northwest, can you confirm?" Arcee flipped the safety off of her plasma blaster. The enemy was pushing up.

"Confirming a position of 20- b8 delta a click and a half from rendezvous point." the structure behind her shuddered, and she was forced to throw an arm up to protect herself from falling debris.

"Copy that arcee, Hound, Mirage, Prowl and Jazz will be along to assist soon." she risked a glance behind her. Five of them, not 400 feet off.

"Not soon enough," she muttered to herself, laying down some suppressing fire. The cons took evasive maneuvers, ducking under boulders and piles of scrap. Arcee fired until her blaster clicked empty. "Scrap, needs to recharge," she cussed. The enemy would not stay down for long, so she transformed and raced to the next bit of cover. Cover that was a little bit over 700 feet away. Her spark hammered in desperation as she neared the boulder. 600. 500. 400. A shot sailed over her hood, jarring her senses. 300. Smaller lasers sent plumes of dust and shards of metal flying through the air on either side of her. 200 yards. A large blast hit her dead on. A scorching heat radiated off of her frame as she was jarred out of her alt mode. She slid over the last hundred yards, plating screeching over the ground, a trail of sparks left in her wake. She felt her limbs twist and cables snap as joints were twisted out of place. She hit the rock with a jarring thud, knocking her optics briefly of line.

She was just about to delete her intell packet, when return fire volleyed over her. The decepticons scattered like ninepins. Hound and Jazz lead a frontal assault, while Prowl kept up heavy covering fire. The remaining two decepticons turned to flee, only to see that Mirage had snuck around behind them. They were quickly dealt with.

"Sorry were late to the party Cee'" Jazz remarked as he helped her up. She leaned heavily upon his frame for support.

"Just glad you could make it," she wheezed back. Energon was leaking from several places on her frame.

"Take it easy Arcee, ah commed Ratchet, he's gonna meet us halfway with an emergency kit. Just gotta make it 6 more klicks," Jazz assured her as they loaded onto the small transport. She was losing energon fast, and her consciousness with it.

"Intell," she managed to groan weakly, reaching into her subspace to hand Jazz the data file.

"Thank's Cee, ill make sure Optimus gets this. You just rest now, your job's done." he commanded as she was knocked offline.

Arcee awoke in the ships medbay, helm groggy, frame sore, but otherwise intact. She was felt optics on her, and herd a crinkling of packaging. She turned her head. A yellow bitlit was sitting on the edge of her berth, covering her arm in brightly colored adhesive patches, the kind used on sparklings. When he saw her optics open, he smiled brightly. He wriggled off the berth, and toddled out of view. Arcee let her helm slump back against the rest. Ratchet must of had her on something strong.

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