Preferd Designations

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"Hold still you little glitch mouse," sighed Ratchet in aspiration. It was finally time to take the brace off of Bumblebee's leg, and the bitlit was being as squirmy as, well, a bitlit.

"Now I'm going to ask you one more time," he said, waving the screwdriver in front of Bee's face for emphases, "sit still." Bumblebee giggled as ratchet went back to work. At last the tiny brace came loose from his leg. Bee patted at his limb in wonder. He was free! He wiggled his ped back and forth as he bent his knee for the first time in weeks.

"There, now you have your leg back," smiled Ratchet as he tested range of movement. Bee laughed up at him as he drew a red finger over the base of a small yellow ped. It tickled!

"Weg! Weg!" he shouted.

"Yes Bumblebee that's your leg." Ratchet laughed encouragingly. Bumblebee was a quick bitlit, and he was expanding his vocabulary all the time. He was a little behind for a bitlit his age, but that was to be expected. He had to re learn all the words his creators had taught him, since the autobots communed in common speak, not the localised dialect he had been learning. He would need some extra guidance walking, having been reduced to crawling the past few weeks, but ratchet suspected he would be a toddling menace by the end of the month. Primus help them all when he gets old enough to keep up with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.

"Give it back"

"Its mine!"

"Nuh hu!"

"Uh hu!"

"You took it!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"RATCHET!" as if by magic the terror twins themselves walked into the med bay, arguing over a data pad. At the sound of their squabbling, Ratchet pinched the bridge of his nasle. When did his med bay become a sparkling hub?

"Boys, what's the matter?" he sighed.

"Sideswipe stole my datapad!"

 "Sunstreaker is lying its my data pad!"

"Is not"

"Is to"

"Enough!" Ratchet plucked the data pad out of the servos of the two quarreling brothers. He flicked it on and looked at the contents. This one had been configured for drawing, instead of typing, but was otherwise blank. Thinking of a quick and easy way to resolve the issue, he plucked an empty data pad form his desk. A few quick taps and it was configured for the same exact use as the other one. Then, making sure the twins were watching, he mixed them up until even he couldn't tell them apart.

"There," he said with a tone of finality, "now you both have one, and we don't know which one is witch. So no more complaining about what is who's, got it? Or else i'll have to ask Ultra Magnus to talk to you two about sharing again." that last threat was enough to silence the bickering twins. Ultra Magnus gave the worst speeches, and they would rather scrub the washracks with their dental brushes than listen to him. They nodded as Ratchet handed the pads over.

"I have some work to get done, so why don't you two take Bumblebee down to the rec room and draw for a little while alright? If someone else is there when you two are ready to leave, you can give Bumblebee to them. If not bring him back here, alright?" Ratchet stuffed some pre prepped bitlit cubes and a few filters into a bag. He handed the bag to Sideswipe, who held it close to his chest, and then he put Bumblebee into Sunstreaker's arms. 

"Yes ratchet," sighed the golden twin. He hefted Bumblebee a little bit higher up against his frame. There was enough of a size difference that carrying him wasn't too difficult, as long as Bee held onto his shoulders, and he supported the younger mech with his forearms interlocked. "Thank you boys," Ratchet praised, rubbing their black helms. Sideswipe batted his servo away, and Sunstreaker rolled his eyes. Together they made their way down the hall towards the comunal rec room.

MY BABY BUMBLEBEEWhere stories live. Discover now