In a Medics care

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" RATCHET! RAH-ha- RATCHET!" He vented harshly as he burst into the makeshift med bay.

"Hound, what do you want, I'm a little busy here-" the red and white medic turned away from the foot he was reattaching to a civilian. 

"Oh sweet primus." He muttered when he saw what was cradled in Hound's arms. As a medic, he had never seen such a pitiful creature. This tiny sparkling couldn't have been more than two vorns old, and he was already damaged by war.

"Whose energon is this?" Ratchet asked as he gently took the little bitlit from Hound's servos.

"It's his carriers.... she's- she kept her child safe." He looked down at his peds in sorrow. Ratchet placed his new charge on a medical berth, its large size dwarfing his tiny frame. He turned the em field on low, soothing the tiny bot.

"Go get Prime. He needs to see this." Hound left as Ratchet began wiping the bitlit down with a solvent soaked cloth. Slowly but surely, yellow plating came into view. The sparkling whined at the unfamiliar touch.

"It's alright little one, you're safe with me." Ratchet whispered as he started a diagnostics scan.

Optimus Prime, the mighty leader of the Autobots, stood over the charging infant at a loss. What was he going to do with this little guy? Ratchet had cleaned him and cared for his wounds. A patch sat on his forhelm, and his tiny leg was rebuilt and then immobilized. After the repairs were finished, Ratchet had connected him to a spark monitor, just in case. Sandbags had been piled around him, to keep him from rolling off the berth, and he had been wrapped in a clean thermal blanket. His bright yellow paint had been chipped and scratched, and his optic shutters twitched as he rested. Optimus felt the presence of his oldest and most trusted friend approach from behind.

"I did what I could Optimus, but he's so tiny. Most of my equipment was way over sized." Ratchet said, his tone morose. "Of all my deca cycles as a battlefield medic, I had never dreamed I would have to work on a sparkling." He spat in anger. Not at Optimus, or the bitlit, but at the war.

"I heard that his carrier, is no longer with us. Have we made any progress on finding the sier?" Optimus asked in a quiet tone, as not to wake the little one.

"Sadly no," Ratchet replied with a weary ex vent. "None of the other civilian survivors recognize him either. We don't even have a name. All we have is this." He reached into his subspace and pulled out a small scrap of cloth. It was the corner of a bitlet's thermal blanket, stained and tattered. Barely visible was a small black insignia of a flying insect. 

"It was found nearby." the medic explained as he handed it to Optimus. The Prime held what was left of the mystery infant's past reverently. The small yellow bot in the berth opened his optics and made a small buzzing whine. Optimus reached over, and offered his large finger to the infants grip. The baby's entire yellow servo barely wrapped around one of his digits.

"For now, we will call him Bumblebee. The war for Cybertron has caused great damage, no more so than on the people it was meant to protect. There are times I fear that only the total annihilation of our race will end this conflict. Until a resolution is found, we will continue to fight the tyranny of Megatron, and provide safety to all who are alone."

The bitlit now known as Bumblebee started to fuss and wail. He balled his tiny fists and kicked his little leg.

"Oh no...." Ratchet muttered as he picked up the small bot, being careful to mind his head. He reached into the counter top warmer and produced a small ration of enhanced low grade energon. At this stage it was important that growing sparklings got all the dissolved metals in their fuel as possible. But this sparkling was fussy. His cries only increased in volume as Ratchet tried to get him to drink. He would tilt energon into Bumblebee's mouth, only to have him spit it out onto his plating. No matter how much Ratchet cooed or rocked, he could not get the bitlit to intake.

"I haven't been able to get him to refuel yet. I'm afraid if he doesn't take something soon, I'll have to try and do a line tap, which can be extremely difficult for a bot his size." Ratchet voiced his concerns to Optimus over the bitlit's cries. After watching this painful and extremely messy display for a few minutes, Optimus interjected, and took Bumblebee into his arms. He rocked the bitlit, supporting his small body in one hand, and using the other to gently pour energon into its mouth. Wales of frustration and anger were quickly replaced with the quiet sounds of guzzling.

Bumblebee took in his portion greedily. His tanks were emptier than they had ever been in his short life, and these were hands he could trust. That other bot had hands that were too unpredictable. Sometimes they felt good, other times they brought stingy ouchies. His voice sounded funny, his face was grouchy, and he smelt like things that were cold and icky. He wasn't a bad bot, just an uncomfortable one. But this bot, this was a nice bot. His plating was warm, and little Bee could hear his big steady spark beat. His hands were large and firm, just like his sier's had been. His face was nice, and his low humming was pleasant to the little bitlit's audials. In a very short time, they had finished one portion of energon, and half of another.

"Beginners luck," Scoffed Ratchet, crossing his arms.

"I think you are just jealous old friend," Optimus smiled. Baby Bumblebee recognized that expression as being for good things and mimicked it, making happy little beeps. After all, his tanks were full now, and all was right with the world. Optimus shifted his hold on the sparkling and lifted him up in the air. This made Bumblebee squeal in delight, but Ratchet backed off half a step.

"Ah, Optimus, you might not want to do that right after he's just-" Bumblebee's vents hitched as excess energon worked its way back up his pipe, out of his mouth, and all over Prime's chest plates.

"Eaten," Finished Ratchet lamely as he wiped down both the baby and Optimus. Fuel time had been messy for all three of them.

MY BABY BUMBLEBEEWhere stories live. Discover now