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Optimus groaned as he werily sat in the chair ratchet had provided for him. It was the first time he had gotten to sit all cycle. He watched as Ratchet putted around the medbay, cleaning. A few of the men had come back with some light damage after their confrontation with ravage, but nothing serious. Bumblebee wined and shifted in his grasp. Optimus cradled the bitlit closer. The second Optimus had entered the medbay Ratchet had thrust a crying Bumblebee into his arms. It had taken him ages to calm him down, pacing the room and assuring Bee that the "mean kitty" couldn't get him any more. Ratchet handed him a cube.

"Thanks old friend, it has been quite the day." he rumbled his gratitude as he took a sip.

"Well, other than the enemy espionage debacle, the scare with the sparklings, and the caiman council, I think today went about as well as it ever goes for us." Ratchet said sarcastically as he flopped unceremoniously into the chair next to Optimus, sipping a cube of his own.

"Don't remind me about the camians," Optimus groaned.

"Eleta one is a brutal fem. She insists we have a meeting first thing in the morning to review the efficiency of our combined troops and then a discussion on the prudence of joined housing, and we still haven't even signed the accords yet."

Ratchet raised an optic ridge.

"Well, it sounds like she is still on board, so it's a start."

"Indeed," grossed Optimus. "How are the other three?" he asked, changing the topic.

"See for yourself," snorted Ratchet as he pulled back the energy curtain surrounding a berth. All three younglings were piled on one berth fast asleep. Smokescreen was in the middle, lying on his stomach, with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker tucked under each doorwing. Their vents were slow and rhythmic, em fields thrown out, emitting feelings of comfort and contentment. Optimus smiled under his mask.

"It's good to know that they are getting along." he chuckled. Sunstreaker cracked open an optic.

"Optimus are you back?" he mumbled. The prime stood up and went to the berth side.

"Its alright Sunstreaker, I'm here. Everyone is safe and the danger has passed." he reassured the young bot by gently stroking his helm and sitting on the edge of the stuffed berth.

"Did ratchet tell you how we kicked skid plate today?" he yawned.

"He did. I am very proud of all of you. You were so brave, and you kept each other safe." Optimus murmured, continuing to stroke the yellow child's cheek.

"Chromia said we were like real warriors. She promised to teach us to fight so we could protect each other better in case of emergencies." he murmured, fighting the pull of recharge.

"That is very exciting, and I am sure you will all be formidable warriors. But right now it's time for rest." Optimus luled as he pulled the thermal tarp up around the three sleping sparklings.

"Ok." Sunstreaker agreed, his optic shutters already heavily closed. Soon he was back to deep venting in rhythm with his berth mates. Optimus sat there, watching them recharge. A worried frown was etched deep on his face plates.

"They shouldn't have to learn to fight Ratchet. They are children." he protested quietly. Ratchet took a long pull from his cube.

"I know Optimus. But they won't stay children forever. And now Megatron knows of their existence. We can't protect them forever." he said, a pained expression on his own face.

"I know," Optimus sighed. "I just wished we could," he lamented. In his arms, Bumblebee slept on, blissfully unaware of the rest of the universe.


I'm back!

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