The Littlest Leader

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Bumblebee was playing on the floor by Optimus's feet in his office. He would build a block tower, and then knock it down, only to start the process over again a few moments later. Every So often Optimus would look up from his work and make an encouraging comment on the bitlit's architecture. Bumblebee would smile and continue to work. Prime's conule lit up and a dial tone sounded. Optimus quickly checked the time. It was Elita, and their video conference. It was an important call, regarding the intel Arcee had brought to them at greater risk to herself. Optimus quickly checked is finnish. He didn't want to look slovenly in front of Elita One, she ran a tight ship, and if this alliance was to work he had to appear capable and organized. He took half a second to compose himself and slide his face plate into place. Then he answered the call.

"This is Optimus prime, leader of the Autobot militia, speaking on a secure channel. Please provide confirmation code and password to proceed." he spoke with authority as the connection went through.

"This Elita one, high commander of the Caminus militant forces, speaking on an secured frequency. Confirmation code alpha 10-20g, password- Macadam." Elita's voice sounded from the screen. Teletraan one ran a vocal recognition program before green lighting her identity.

"Password accepted, it's good to hear from you Elita One." Optimus spoke. Elita's visual came up on his screen

"Likewise Optimus, I assume you know that I have contacted you in regards to the upcoming diplomatic visit that will determine the merger of our forces." her pink faceplates betrayed no emotion as she spoke to Optimus. She was a cool and collected leader, and capable on the battlefield. Optimus had once seen her take down an entire seeker platoon with nothing but a lob ball and a half loaded laser pistol. And her finish had been flawless. She was not a mecca to be trifled with. Needless to say he was practically quaking out of his stabilizers. Not because he was afraid, but because of the pressure for him to meet her high standards. The Camians are one of the most elite fighting forces in the universe, and they would be valuable allies against Megatron. And the Autobots were in desperate need of allies right now. So he endeavored to conduct himself with as much poise and diplomacy as he could muster.

Bumblebee had just begun to construct yet another tower when he heard the computer light up. He was interested for a moment, curious about who Optimus was calling, but as the words droned on into political jargon the bitlit quickly lost interest. He finished his tower, and was ready to proudly show it off. But Optimus wasn't paying attention. So Bumblebee toddled over to the arm of his chair and tugged at his smallest digit. Over here he could hear who was calling, but he couldn't see over the desk. "Oppy looky what I made." he said quietly. Optimus glanced down at him, nodded his helm and then pulled his servo out of bumblee's grasp. He patted the small bitlit on the head and gently pushed him back towards his blocks. Never one to be easily deterred, Bumblebee crawled under the desk and began impatiently patting Optimus's legs. His tiny yellow helm barely brushed the underside of the desk. Optimus gently swatted his hands away. Bumblebee doubled his efforts.

This was not good. How could he have been so stupid! Optimus had gotten the call and was so worried about appearances he had forgotten that Bumblebee was still in his office. Now the baby wanted to play while he was in the middle of possibly one of the most important calls of his career. If he blew this, no visit from Camian delegates, and no alliance. It was all he could do to gently try and shoo Bumblebee away without Elita one noticing.

"Optimus are you listening?" she asked. Optimus focused his attention back to the leader of the Camians.

"Yes Elita, and I can assure you that the ark is secure. We haven't had a single infiltration since the beginning of the war, and out security team is comprised of the best and the brightest, hand picked by Prowl and myself." Bumblebee was trying to climb up into his lap. This bitlit was as stubborn as a cybercat. And about as agile. It was a struggle for Optimus to keep him under the desk and out of the line of sight for the camera. Elita noticed the struggle. Expression became cynical as he tone piqued in inquiry.

MY BABY BUMBLEBEEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant