Icky Ironhide

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"Open wide, here comes the transport!" Bee giggled as Jazz spooned the blue goo into his mouth. In addition to his normal energon, Bee was now eating a mixture of copper, iron, gold and tin. The metals were all ground into a fine powder before being stirred into congealed energon. The resulting vitamin goo was dark blue and glittery. And icky. The combination of elements had a bitter taste, and the crew had to be creative to get Bumblebee to eat. Bumblebee made a face and opened his mouth when the gel hit his glossa. Jazz had to react quickly to keep it from dribbling off of his chin.

"Have you tried getting the food in the bitlit, instead of on it?" Snarked Ironhide, taking a sip from his cube. He was sitting across from them at their usual table in the mess hall. It was time for the evening rations, so everyone was gathered to sit and socialize and eat.

"If you think you can do better, be my guest." Invited Jazz as he wiped Bee's chin clean with a napkin. His own ration was growing cold, half drunk on the table next to him.

"Come here ya' lil' glitch mouse," he said as Jazz lifted him over the table. "Of, your getting heavy aren't cha?" He commented as he bounced Bee on his large red knee. Bee chirped in delight. He liked Ironhide. He was big and strong and his voice was always rough but never mean. Ironhide took the small spoon from Jazz.

"Ok now Bee, it's important that you eat this. It's good for you. So your gonna be a good bitlit and eat it all up right?" he asked the baby, the epitome of seriousness. Jazz rolled his eyes and took a sip of his energon. The weapons specialist brought the spoon heaping with gel up to Bee's face.

"No!" be cried, turning his head. "Icky!" he insisted when Ironhide tried again.

"Come on Bee, don't you want to grow big and strong like me?" he asked. Bumblebee seemed delighted with the concept.

"Be big like I-hide!" Ironhide smiled in an encouraging manner. Jazz smirked.

"You gotta' eat yer' vitamins. Go agl hahahaha." he insisted, opening his mouth and making weird noises. Bee giggled. Ironhide was being silly!

"Be like I hide, agl ahhhh." he repeated, making weird faces back. Jazz was watching with animated interest. Dinner and a show. While Bumblebee was making faces with his mouth wide open, Ironhide popped the spoonful of vitamin jell into it. Bee clamped down. His expression quickly turned to one of disgust. Ironhide smirked at Jazz.

"See, it's easy." he said, right before Bee opened his mouth, letting the blue goop fall out.

"Easy huh?" mocked Jazz, leaning on his head on one servo while bringing his cube up to his lips with the other. Ironhide scowled. But not one to be defeated easily, he quickly thought up another tactic.

"You really think this stuff is icky Bee?" he asked. Be nodded his helm vigorously.

"Icky!" he agreed loudly.

"Thats a shame, cause I think it's yummy. I eat it all the time." he said. He brought a spoonful to his mouth and ate it.

"See- gagh- yummy!" he insisted as he tried to hide his revolted expression. What the frag did Ratchet put in this stuff to make it taste so horrid! Ironhide had experienced a lot of unsavory flavors in his life, but this was a new level of wreathed. His acting did nothing to fool Jazz, who laughed openly at his poor decision making, but Bee seemed to have been successfully hoodwinked. It wasn't long before he was grabbing at the spoon demanding to be fed faster. If Ironhide liked it it must be good.

Latter, Ironhide was still trying to wash the taste out of his mouth. The bitter tang of the metal still bit at the back of his tongue as he scrubbed diligently with a dental brush.


Just wanted to say wow! over 700 views, thanks! I never thought this piece of self indulgent fluff would ever get the attention it has. Expect to see some more optimums in the next update, but other than that if there is anyone who you want to see interact with baby Bee drop a comment and I'll see what I can whip up. Always open to suggestion. Thank you all and I love you! <3

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