Arcee's Adventures in Babysitting pt2

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"Alright Sunny, we've put dye in the solvent caps, put cling wrap over the entrance to Blurr's room, places a series of random alarms in Redalert's office, what now?" Sideswipe asked his brother as they strolled down the empty ark halls. Everyone had been called away to help with the battle, so it was just the drones, Arcee, Bumblebee and them. They were making the most of the quiet.

"Hmmmm. We could spring load Prime's filing cabinet. Or we could put glue on Prowl's chair so he gets stuck, or! or! We could release a stink bomb in Hound's quarters!" Sunstreaker schemed.

Bumblebee tottered along after them, oblivious to their keniveing. He was just happy to be helping. Even if he was helping cause mass mayhem and destruction. The twins continues to plot and plan, but Bee felt a grumbling in his tanks. It left a hollow feeling in his reserves. It was past lunchtime.

"Hungwy! Lunch time!" he cried as he pulled on Sunstreaker's wrist.

"Hey be, knock it off, we're busy here." Sunstreaker brushed him off.

"Hungwy! Want enewgon!" Bumblebee demanded louder.

"Awe come on Bee, we are on a roll here, can't you wait a little longer?" asked Sideswipe. Bee's face scrunched up as he plunked down in the hallway.

"No! Enewgon now! Now! NOW!" he cried loudly, kicking his legs and increasing his volume. He was hungry! He didn't want to wait, he wanted food. The twins flinched at the angry outburst.

"Sides, calm him down!"

"Why me!"

"Because your the favorite!'

"Am not you are!"

"Just calm him down before Arcee hears him crying, if she finds us like this were sunk!" Sunstreaker cried. The red brother picked up the yellow baby, and started to bounce him lightly.

"Shhh Bee it's alright! we'll go to the kitchen and make some lunch, hows that sound? Well go get some nice tasty energon, just please stop crying!" he pleaded. Bee dropped the volume a little bit.

"Enewgon?" he asked. The twins nodded vigorously.

"Uhuh, energon, yummy energon! Well make you some, just please don't cry anymore!" Sunstreaker promised. Bumblebee calmed down and got to his peds. He grabbed either brother by their servos and let then lead him to the mess. Every other step the older boys would swing him up through the air. Bee giggled as he set his peds back on the ground. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe's desperate attempt to keep him placated was working. He had completely forgotten is temper tantrum by the time they went through the big double doors at the back of the mess.

The ark's kitchen was huge. Industrial sized energon processors, large dish washers and cupboards filled with empty cubes and stacks of raw energon. Jars filled with fuel additives and metal shavings lined the counter tops.

"Well sunny, go on and make some cubes." prompted sideswipe. Sunstreaker looked around at a loss. He and his brother had been back here countless times on dish duty, but they had never actually prepared energon before.

"I don't know how to process energon. I thought you knew!" he protested.

"Why would I know, I try to spend as little time in here as possible. Your the one whos all-" he gestured vaguely "you know-" he trailed off. Sunstreaker narrowed his optics.

"No I don't know. All what." he growled at his brother.

"Sensitive, artsy fartsy." sideswipe defended.

"I'm not 'sensitive'! I just spend more than two astroclicks thinking before i jump into some slag brained idea!" sunstreaker shrieked.

"Yeah, exactly, you think and stuff. Gross." replied Sideswipe.

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