Sweet sweet deception

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Bumblebee was bored. All this talking, he wanted to meet these fems! But he was stuck between Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. And Optimus said if he was good and patient, he would get a toy latter. So while the grownups did their politics, Bumblebee sat quietly. The bitlit had his attention drawn back to the proceedings when Optimus stepped to the side, allowing him to get a proper look at the visitors. He saw a sea of smiling faces, and that made him happy! These fems were nice, and they came in all kinds of colors and sizes and shapes. Bumblebee was excited to have so many new friends. He got doubly excited when the Camians revealed their own sparkling. Now Bee had someone new to play with! This new mech looked alot like prowl, so be hoped he would follow the rules more. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were nice, but they got in trouble a lot. He hopped this new bot was better behaved. After all Optimus always says you can have lots of fun following the rules. And they could all play together! Everyone knew that the more friends you had to play with the more fun you had.

All at once the boring talking stopped, and everybot started to walk around and talk to each other in smaller groups. It got very loud very quick. Bee was glad when Optimus picked him up. With everyone moving around like that it was hard for the little bot to see where he was and who was next to him. Bumblebee was delighted when he saw who Optimus was walking towards. It was the nice fem from the screen in Optimus's office. And she had brought her friends with her!

"Eweta! Eweta! Looky Opppy it Eweta won!" he cried out joyously, holding his arms out to her.

"Why hello Bumblebee, it is very nice to be meeting you in person." she greeted cordially, her voice polite but devoid of any coo or coddling. Optimus had to swiftly adjust his grip as Bumblebee leaned eagerly over, tiny servos stretched out, in a plea to be held. Smoothly and confidently, Eleta plucked the bitlit from Optimus's awkward arms and propped him against her chassis. Chromia and Windblade had to stifle sniggers at the sight of their strong leader wrapped around the digit of a tiny bitlit.

Once the official proceedings were concluded, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker made a beeline for the snack table. They stood on their very tip toes and reached for the tantalizing treats, just out of reach. They each had several in their servos when smokescreen nervously approached.

"Uh- hi! My designation is Smokescreen! Its um, nice to meet you." he greeted sticking out his servo for a shake.

"Heya Smokey hold these," Sideswipe replied without turning his attention away from the deserts. He started to pile goodies into Smokescreen palm.

"Oh- uh- thank you?" he was trying to be polite and friendly, like Chromia said, but it was hard when your arms were being unexpectedly stuffed with sweets.

"Gearstick three o'clock," muttered Sunstreaker. Smokescreen looked around the room. The stern Praxian was making his way towards them, much to the chagrin of the mech with the visor he was standing with.

"Who,  that Praxian?" he asked, noting the twins panic.

"Yeah, that's Prowl. He's the WORST." bemoaned Sunstreaker, grabbing a final handfull of rust sticks.

"He always breaks up our fun, even when we aren't doing anything wrong! And then he lectures. And makes us do stuff like clean the wash racks, or wax the floors." elaborated Sideswipe, topping off the pile of petroleum tarts.

"Come on Smokey, time to split!" Sunstreaker said, ducking under the table cloth. Sideswipe rapidly followed, and with Prowl looming closer, Smokescreen had no choice but to trail after the twins. The tree of them ducked in and out of conversations, and wove between the knees of the crowd. They were almost to the exit, but then Ratchet stepped into their path. The twins darted behind a group of fems who were politely giggling at one of Ironhide's bad jokes.

"Who's that?" asked Smokescreen.

"Ratchet the hatchet. He gets a little wrench happy when he's mad." hissed Sunstreaker.

"The last time he caught us scarfing sweets he sent us to bed without dinner, lecturing us about 'energy intake' and 'you'll purge your tanks if you eat too much'. Killjoy." whispered Sideswipe. Pinned down the young bots huddled close together, tense and ready to make a brake for it as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

Bumblebee was enjoying himself. Optimus had walked off with elita one some time ago, but Bee was content to be passed around and be coddled by the various fems. They made funny noises, and called him nice names, like handsome little mech, or sweetest little bundle of joy. They laughed at what he said, and praised him when he told stories. Needless to say the his little ego had grown quite a bit. Then he noticed the twins and the new bot attempting to make a getaway with a load of treats. The twins usually counted on him to be a distraction, but they were halfway across the room, and Ratchet was blocking the door! Bumblebee's little processor whirled into overdrive as he tried to come up with a solution. Then as he was passed to another fem, this one with purple and orange plating, an idea clicked, and he started to wail with all his might.

"Waaaaaaaaagh! Aaaaaaa! Waghhhhhhhhaaaaaahh!" the fem was startled, and tried to rock him, saying reassuring things.

"Its ok bitlit, it's alright, calm down now, shshhshs," she nervously rattled off as she bounced on her peds and swayed back and forth.

"Waghhhhhhhhh! Wa wa wahhhhhhh!" bumblebee cried even louder, kicking his legs and scrunching up his optics, forcing a small amount of wiper fluid to roll down his face plates. Ratchet took quick notice of his bitlit wailing in the arms of a strange fem. he had told prime that the baby might not like such a large crowd, but does anyone ever listen to him? He quickly went to retrieve Bumblebee before he hit full on tantrum.

"Whats going on?" asked Smokescreen, alerted to the sudden wails emanating from deeper in the room.

"Bumblebee is running a distraction for us!" cheered Sideswipe. "Sunny do you have a visual?" he asked. Sunstreaker peered around the cluster of fems.

"Ratchet is moving to investigate, we are in the clear!" he reported.

"Go! Go! Go!" cried Sideswipe, the three of them dashing out the door and down the hall.

From his vantage point over Ratchet's shoulder, bumblebee could see the twins and smokescreen dash through the door. They made it! Now he just had to convince Ratchet to get him out of here, and then he could go collect his share of the bounty.

"What's wrong Bumblebee?" Ratchet asked, patting the bitlit on the back with a large red servo.

"I tired I wanna nappy." Bumblebee cried, adding a little whimper for effect. "I tired watchet." he repeated, burying his face in the medics shoulder to hide his grin.

"Ok be, we can go take a nappy, let's go take a quick recharge and then we can have some energon with our new friends, hows that sound?" Racthat reassured as he rubbed between little dor wings.

"Excuse me ladies," he said as he walked out of the shuttle bay. Bee was able to keep up the act all the way to the quiet medbay. Ratchet placed him on the mat in his playpen, and as soon as he was convinced Bee was in recharge, he left to return to the party. He would come collect be in an hour or so. As soon as the door hissed shut, Bumblebee cracked open his optics, and climbed over the baby gate. He had to jump and wave to get the door sensors to activate, but eventually they slid open with a satisfying hiss. Grinning audial to audial, Bee took off down the hallway. 

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