Chapter 1

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Jaime's Sister

Another day of staying in my bedroom doing nothing but reading, usually the sound of doing nothing but reading would entice me but today I was dreading it. My Dad and mom had presumably already went for work and my brother is probably cleaning out the fridge as his "breakfast".

"Hannah!" Jaime's voice echoed throughout the house.ugh.

"What!" I replied

"Make sure you're dressed, Vic, Mike and tony are coming over!" You got to be freaking kidding me.

The only nice one of Jaime's friends was Tony, but Vic and Mike were awful. They always teased me about my hair and clothes, but when I try to counter their rudeness my brother yells at me and they just end up laughing. I'd rather go back to school for day, then spend my time with those two.

I look into the mirror, my hair is frizzy, unkept and knotted. My eyes dark and tired, I really don't want to do anything. Memories of Vic commenting on my hair caused a tear to escape, I quickly wiped it away.


"Hannah they're here! Come say hi!" Already? Suck it up hannah and just go, I tell myself.

I walk downstairs, 4 heads are facing away from me. I cough trying to get their attention.

"Hi." I said

Vic, Tony and Mike turn their heads towards me.

"Hi to you too Hannah" Mike said winking at me. I cringe internally.

"Hannah keep them company I'm just going to go order pizza" Jaime said before going into the kitchen.

"So Hannah have you missed me" Vic said moving closer, I took a step back, hitting the banister.

"No. Actually I haven't" I replied feeling a little more confident.

"Well we have," Mike said smirking.

"Guys knock it off okay, leave hannah alone," Tony said raising his voice, I looked at him, his cute shaggy hair was kept under a SnapBack and his piercing made him even cuter, I blushed.

"What are you gonna do about it loverboy!" Mike said approaching tony.


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