Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW

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Request: You and Jake get interrupted by Pratt

Word Count: 1695

You and Jacob were close, it was obvious to anyone with eyes. You were basically attached by the hip. It was extremely rare to see one without the other. You were his right hand man, the only person (other than his siblings) that he completely trusted with his life.

His soldiers didn't need to know that you and Jacob had fallen into a relationship, a very serious one of that. You were in love with the herald of the Whitetail Mountains and he was in love with you too. Only Jacob's siblings knew about you both.

But, of course there were rumors. There were rumors that you and Jacob were involved with each other. The rumors were completely true, you had been dating for a long time, and have been living together for almost as long. However, you both agreed that the people who didn't matter didn't need to know.

You groaned as the sun coming through the window woke you from your sleep. You heard a deeper groan come from beside, followed by a quiet grunt, before feeling a strong arm wrap around your waist and pulling your back against his chest. You smiled as you felt Jacob bury his face in your hair.

"Do we have to work today?" you asked, huffing as you turned around to face him.

"Got a busy day today" Jacob shook his head, tucking your hair behind your ear for you. You groaned again and buried your face in his bare chest. None of Jacob's soldiers and none of Joseph's flock would ever believe that Jacob Seed and his right hand man (woman?) acted in such a domestic way inside their own home.

You sighed before pulling away from his chest and looking at his face, your hand gently caressing his cheek, you fingers loving grazing the scars and rashes. Jacob wasn't usually very relaxed or very gentle, but sometimes you got moments like this in the mornings.

Jacob's hand ran up and down your waist, lifting the material of his shirt that you were wearing so that he could feel your bare skin against his rough palm. You smiled as you leaned into him, pressing your lips against his. He wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you securely against his chest, and pulling you into slow but passionate kiss.

"Come on, we better get going or your men will wonder where you are" you chuckled to yourself as you pulled away from him and sat up. You smiled when you felt his hand running up and down your back slowly.

"They can wait" Jacob shrugged as he sat up and placed his hands on either side of your waist from behind you.

"This is why I love dating the boss" you joked as he lifted his shirt over your head, leaving you wearing nothing at all.

You gasped quietly as you were pulled back against the mattress and Jacob was hovering over you, even after all this time you sometimes forget how strong Jacob is and how fast he can move when he wants too. Before you knew it Jacob's lips were on yours again, this time the kiss was rougher, more needy but just as passionate as the last kiss.

You wrapped your arms around Jacob's neck to pull him closer to you, while he had one arm wrapped around your waist to hold him close and had one hand on your hip.

You always preferred being with Jacob in your own home, it was out of the way which meant that their was no soldiers roaming around outside like there was at the veteran center.

Jacob's hand trailed down your thigh before hiking you leg up his to his waist, positioning himself between your legs comfortably. You moaned quietly as Jacob trailed kissing across your jaw, down your neck, and over your chest. you combed your fingers thought his hair, tugging on it, causing him to groan against your collar bone.

Far Cry 5 Oneshots and Preferences 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora