Dark!Seeds: You are Pregnant

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Joseph Seed-

Joseph couldn't be happier about it, you were giving him a child. The chances are that he was hoping to get you pregnant from the very beginning. He loved you, God sent you to him, why waste any time before having a life together. Somehow, he makes it sound so sweet and perfect but it was anything but that. You didn't want to be here and you definitely didn't want to have his baby. However, it was still your child and you wanted to protect it. Part of you hoped that the amount of Bliss Joseph dosed you with wouldn't harm the child, but the darker and more desperate part of you actually wished that the Bliss would end the pain one way or another, even if it made you feel completely guilty for thinking it.

He would start this whole lecture about how this is the greatest gift that God could give you both, how this child was the chance for a new start and a new family. Telling you how much he loved you and how excited he was to start this family with you. Of course he didn't shut up about how this was God's plan and that everything was unfolding how it was suppose to.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob was definitely happy about it, something about you being pregnant with his child was thrilling to him and he definitely liked the idea of having more children with you even though this one wasn't born yet. You didn't want a child and you definitely didn't want Jacob's child but it was still your baby, you still had the natural instincts to care for it. You were worried about how your child, or children if Jacob gets his way, would be raised. Would they become obedient animals like his Judges or would they become brainwashed soldier like his men? You were trapped with this man and you didn't want your child to be, but you had no choice.

He would tell you how good you are going to look when you are round with his child, telling you how you are the perfect pet to bare his children. He would be extra controlling of you, but he would keep you well looked after. He knew that you would have to be treated well so that the baby was healthy, he was crazy but he wasn't stupid.

John Seed-

John would be ecstatic about it, surely this child would just be proof of your love for each other. You knew that John would act so loving to your child because he acted that way with you, as much as it sickened you. But you were scared. John had an awful temper and when he took it out on you, you could end up battered and bruised juts because you said the wrong thing. You were worried that he would turn that anger on your child if they did something upset him. This wasn't going to be easy and you knew it.

He would talk to you like you actually planned on getting pregnant, rambling about baby names and what colour to paint the nursery. John would constantly be touching your stomach and kissing your stomach. Surprisingly he was less violent towards you after you found out you were pregnant, you were shocked that John was actually able to control himself even a little bit. This was going to be tough, protecting your child from John's wrath.


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