John Seed NSFW

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John Seed X Female Deputy Reader

Request: Sex in the forest

Word Count: 2900

You ran into the forest, hiding among the trees. You quickly moved around a larger tree and pressed your back against the truck, trying to steady your breathing as you listened to John's patrols driving by. It was fair to say that you had angered John Seed. He had sent his men after you but so far you had managed to avoid them. The last thing you needed right now was a visit to John's damn torture chamber.

Once you heard the cars begin to get further away, you took a breath and pushed yourself off of the tree. You began to walk further into the expanse of trees, willing to take your chances with the wildlife over John's followers.

Just as you were getting more comfortable and relaxed, ready to return to Falls End or to pay a visit to one of your friends, you heard the sound of a twig snapping beside him. You quickly spun around, grabbing your handgun from your holster and aiming it out in front of you.

You had expected to see an animal or even one of John's men but instead you saw John Seed himself. You completely froze, mostly out of shock rather than fear. You never expected the Baptist of Eden's Gate to come looking for you himself instead of sending some people after you. Yet, here he was. John Seed was standing in front of you, his own handgun in his hand but he wasn't aiming it at you, he looked a lot more relaxed than you.

"You gave my men quite the chase, Deputy. I bet you thought that you lost them but I saw you heading for the trees" John spoke as he stepped towards you, but he stopped walking when you hovered your finger over the trigger of your gun. He sounded so confident, like he was using that voice that he had in his PR videos.

"So, where are your loyal goons?" you asked, glancing around to see if you could spot anyone else hiding among the trees, trying not so show any nervousness.

"I told them to keep driving, to continue the search elsewhere" he explained, still holding his gun by his side. Like he had no intention of aiming it at you.

"So you came to find me alone? That's brave of you, I'm impressed" you mocked, stilling aiming you gun at him. There was no way you were lowering your defences.

"Lower the gun, Deputy" John ordered smoothly, despite it being an order it didn't sound aggressive.

"I should shoot you right now" you pointed out, still making no move to pull the trigger.

"Then why haven't you?" he asked, a small smirk on his face that made you pause. Why hadn't you shot him? Oh yeah, because for some reason you didn't have it in you.

As much as you hated to admit it, you enjoyed your meetings with John. You enjoyed the usual teasing and even the flirting, even though the conversation was always filled with threats you just loved your little meetings. Maybe that was why you hadn't just killed him yet.

It made you think back to something that Sharky had told you. Sharky always made jokes about about the sexual tension between you and John, you always laughed and told him to stop being stupid. But the truth was that he was right. Of course both you and John were aware of the tension between you both, but you were enemies and that's the way it will always be. Then you thought about the time that Sharky told you that you should just hook up with John, joking that it would put an end to this whole thing. You knew it wouldn't put an end to this whole thing, of course it wouldn't, you aren't stupid, but you would be lying if you said that you hadn't considered it.

"Perhaps I just like the way you look with a gun pointed at your head" you smirked, tilting your head at him. John only smiled at the comment as he shook his head.

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