You Befriend their Hostage

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Request: How would they feel if you befriended their hostages (Pratt, Hudson, Burke). For Joseph you would befriend Dutch.

Joseph Seed-

You had only ever spoke to Dutch over the radio since he never leaves his bunker and you don't really have too much time to visit him anyway. You found that Dutch was really good at listening to you complain, but you would never give him any information about the cult because you still understood that he was practically Joseph's rival, and you enjoyed listening to Dutch's stories. Joseph was curious about your friendship with Dutch but after talking about it with you he pretended that it didn't bother him. Of course you could be friends with anyone, whether they are believers or not, but Dutch was possibly the most dedicated person to taking down the cult. Joseph was worried that Dutch was just using your friendship to get information about the Project so that he can take them down. Even though he wouldn't admit it because he didn't want to seem jealous, which he was, but he couldn't help but wonder why you would want to talk to Dutch when you had him. You knew how sensitive the subject was so you never talked about your conversations with Dutch, which Joseph appreciated but sometimes he wished that he knew what you were talking about. Joseph didn't worry about your friendship with Dutch because in the end you were with him, it was Joseph that you went to when you were upset and needed comforting, it was Joseph that you loved, and he knew that.

Jacob Seed-

You had seen Pratt around the veteran centre, he usually looked so scared. But recently he was practically Jacob's pet, Pratt did small chores for him and would jump up and down whenever Jacob told him to. You felt bad for Pratt, something about him made you think that he was a nice guy. Plus he was always around, he usually just sulked around when Jacob wasn't there to give him orders. So you decided that you would give the poor guy a break and offer him a friendly face, he never really responded at first but eventually he began to respond to you and actually have conversations with you. He smiled and laughed, finally he seemed to act normally around you and you considered him a friend. Jacob was mainly confused by your friendship with Pratt, he told you that you were undoing his conditioning but you were pretty certain that you weren't since Pratt still followed Jacob's orders. Jacob didn't understand why you would even want to be friends with 'Peaches', he was weak and wasn't worthy of your attention. You had teased Jacob for just being jealous but he insisted that he wasn't, but he was totally jealous of you spending time with Pratt. However, you had convinced Jacob to take it just a little easier on Pratt just to make you happy. Jacob would be a little harsh to Pratt when he did something that he didn't like, usually if he was getting a little too close to you. Jacob was pretty certain that Pratt had developed a crush on you and he had to remind Peaches that you weren't his.

John Seed-

You had been with John for a long time, you have been by his side almost the whole time since he started doing these 'confessions'. Even if you didn't support what he did you stuck around. You knew what he did when you started dating him and it didn't bother you as much as it probably should. Hudson had become a bit of a problem, she just refused to confess, and when you met her you felt bad for her. You would offer her better food and water, and would talk with her. She was reluctant at first which you expected and you definitely didn't blame her, but eventually she began to warm up to you. You would both sit together, talk and laugh, tell each other stories about your lives. She understood that you couldn't let her do, even though she thought it was all insane, you had your duties and she knew that you were actually a good person. You both considered each other friends by now. You assured her that you wouldn't let John hurt her and promised that she would definitely get out alive. John didn't understand why you became friends with Hudson, you had met many members of the flock or people that were undergoing their confessions and you never became friends with them. He mentioned once or twice that you could be interfering with her confession and her atonement but you knew that he was just jealous that you were spending time with her instead of him, but you assured him that you were just being kind and that she was a friend now. John knew that he couldn't argue with you or stop you from talking to her, but he would make sure that you knew he didn't like it.

Faith Seed-

You had met the Marshal Burke when Faith first brought him to the Henbane River, he was angry and hateful but you didn't blame him. He was here against his will after all. You tried to talk to him but he wouldn't talk to you, soon you fell into a relationship were he would just sit while you talked to him, trying to be friendly. Finally he began to join in with the conversation. At first he only asked about the Project but you always told him that they were your family, that you loved Faith, and that you couldn't betray them like that. He was annoyed at first but seemed to understand why you couldn't betray them. Once he became comfortable with you he began to open up, telling you about his life before he came here, listening to you talk about your life, laughing and joking together. Faith actually liked that you were getting along so well with the Marshal, she wanted to show him the path and show him the way to Eden's Gate. She was proud that you were such good friends with Burke, since he wouldn't even look at Faith. She always loved how friendly and kind you could be, and you had even managed to befriend Burke which she thought might be impossible. She hoped that you could accidentally make him see that they aren't monsters, that they love and that they want to do the right thing by helping people. She was confused when you told him that he would eventually get out and be able to go home but when you explained that you felt bad for him since he was away from home and his family and friends, she just loved you more. However even Faith can get a little jealous and you were spending an awful lot of time with him, but she forgot all about it when you came home to her.


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