Valentines Day Special

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It's late!

But here you go anyway!!!

Joseph Seed-

Joseph is a very romantic person and he wanted to treat you as the most precious thing in the world everyday, but he knows that he just doesn't get the time and that means that he can't always show you the absolute love that he wants to give you. So when it comes to holidays or special occasions he tries to make it extra special, but simple at the same time. On valentines day he likes to make you a candle lit dinner, private and romantic but simple because that is what you both like. After dinner you would both go for a walk through the cult compound's gardens, somewhere peaceful and beautiful where you can talk and laugh and just enjoy each other's company. Of course he would get you gifts. He would always get you some flowers, usually hand picked and from the cult's garden. He would also get you a gift like some jewelry, or something more materialistic.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob wasn't a really romantic person, well he is in his own way and you can see it but the people around you certainly can't. He doesn't like grand gestures or very public dates, he likes to keep it private because he believes that your relationship should be between you both and it doesn't matter what other people see or think. But he does like when people know that you are together, knowing that they know that they can't have you. Special occasions wasn't something that Jacob thought was really important, he didn't really understand why he should treat you differently on one day because it was 'Valentines day' but he thought that you deserved these occasions so he would do his best. He would take you out to the mountains to watch the sun set. Of course it could begin to get cold then so he would have set up a fire, blankets, and hot drinks. He might even set up a full camp so that you could both spend the night there together before having to return to your duties the next day.

John Seed-

John loves dates and valentines day, he loves any reason to spoil you or show you how much he loves you. He plans for this day months ahead, needing to have everything ready and perfect for you. He would have an amazing meal prepared for you, outside of the ranch. A table set up with the meals and candles, the trees surrounding the area covered in fairy lights, expensive wine or champagne on ice. It would look like something out of a dream or a romantic movie, it would be perfect. He would shower you in gifts ranging from flowers, chocolates, your favorite treats, expensive jewelry. He would import your gifts from all over the world if that's what it took to make it perfect, even if you were happy with a simple night in with a movie. At the end of the evening you would both curl up on the sofa in front of the fire.

Faith Seed-

Faith loves going on dates with you and tries her best to make time for you but when it comes to special occasions, she gets so excited! She would plan a beautiful picnic by the lake, with homemade food, candles, wine, soft music in the background. She just wanted everything to be perfect. She would scatter the area with flowers and petals, a mix of her favorite flowers and your favorite flowers. The date would be somewhat of a surprise, she would tell you that she had something planned before leading you over to the lake were the picnic was set up. She would give you a bunch of hand picked flowers and she would have made you both matching flower crowns for the occasion. The evening would be absolutely stunning and perfect, you wouldn't have changed a thing about it.


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