Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW

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Summary: you are unintentionally flirting with one of Jacob's men, Jacob decides to remind you who you belong too.

WARNINGS: smut, possessive language

Word Count: 2657

Jacob stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his posture truly one of a soldier. He kept a stern gaze on his soldiers as they trained and ran their way through obstacle courses. You were practically Jacob's right hand man, so you were closer to the course with a note pad and pen. You were just taking random notes about the soldiers, who needs improvement, who's better at what, and stuff like that. Jacob always valued your opinion so you would shared your thoughts on his men when you noticed certain things, whether Jacob noticed them as well or not.

Getting bored with watching the soldiers, Jacob's gaze landed on you. He watched contently as you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before scribbling something down in your notebook. His brow furrowed slightly when one of his soldiers came to the end of the course, he was bent over with his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. He gathered himself before standing up straight, he brushed off his clothes, before jogging over to you.

Jacob was too far away to hear what he was saying but he already didn't like it. The soldier said something to you but you seemed to dismiss him almost instantly, this made Jacob smirk to himself. But that smirk quickly fell when you looked up from you note book and turned your attention to the man.

The man seemed to light up when you actually looked up at him. Jacob watched you cross your arms and laugh ever so slightly at something that the man said, you had never showed any interest in any of his men before. In fact the only time you ever spoke about them was in a professional manner, or maybe when you were both complaining about them.

You smiled up at the soldier, he was tall but no where near as tall as Jacob. The young soldier was rambling on about how he was the best performing man in his squad of new recruits, or something like that. You found his gloating almost unbearable, but the thought of him thinking that he was actually impressing you made you laugh. Why on Earth would you be impressed by this recruit when you were dating the Herald of this whole region?

You nodded, not really listening to what the man was saying, as you glanced over your shoulder to get a glimpse of Jacob. He was standing on further back, on a bit of raised ground so that he had a better view of the training ground. His arms were crossed over his chest and you felt paralyzed under his intense gaze. You had to turn your gaze away from him and look back at the soldier who was still rambling on.

Eventually you and Jacob were done for the day, it was finally time to go home and not watch the mind numbing show that is the new recruits. You walked over to Jacob with a small smile on your face, ready to head home with him unless he had to make a quick stop at his office.

You greeted him, but all he did was look down at you before nodded slightly and turning around. He began to walk away from you, you frowned slightly as you followed behind him, not sure what had put him in a bad mood. He was never affectionate in front of his men, but he would usually send you a subtle smile when you walked towards him or walked past him.

The drive back home was silent and you could feel the tension between you both, you risked a glance or two at Jacob but he kept his eyes on the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Once you got home you walked into the house in silence still, Jacob shutting the door behind you. "Jacob are you alright? You're acting strangely" you frowned a little as you looked up at him.

"Bedroom. Now. I'll be up in a minute" He ordered roughly before walking past you and into the kitchen. You raised your eyebrows as you watched him leave the room. Deciding not to upset him further you made your way up to the bed room and began to pace up and down the room. He was obviously angry about something, you just didn't know what.

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