The Resistance Betrayed you and the Seeds Find You

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When the resistance threw you out because of a small mistake that wasn't even your fault, you wondered whether they were truly the good guys after all. After that you decided to stop fighting the cult, you harboured more bad feelings towards the resistance at this point. But you decided to fight neither side, you would make a small life for your self with the few supplies that you had and that you could find. You ended up camping, but you guessed that it could be worse.

Joseph Seed-

You had chosen a spot to camp were the war didn't seem to bother as much, however this way also were Joseph decided to take peaceful walks. He had come across you on one of his walks and stopped to introduce himself and ask you why you were camping here. You were surprised by his warm greeting and at how polite and nice he was being. He didn't try to make you join the cult, he just spoke to you like a person. You introduced yourself and but remained a little hostile. He started coming back almost everyday, learning a little more about each other. Then you explained that you were a member of the resistance before they threw you out unfairly, not you fight for neither side. Joseph had mercy, he believed in forgiveness and second chances. He offered you a warm and dry place to stay even if you decided not to join the project or follow their beliefs. You were surprised by his generosity and kindness and accepted his offer. During your time getting to know each other, you began to wonder whether the resistance was wrong about Joseph Seed.

Jacob Seed-

You decided to camp out up in the mountains because you thought you would be well hidden from either sides of the war that you decided to distance yourself from. Jacob went hunting one morning and found you at your little campsite, both of you instantly got hostile and aimed your guns at each other. You didn't want to die and Jacob had a reputation for showing no mercy. You explained that you didn't want to kill him and that you were just trying to survive out here, you both lowered your guns and Jacob asked why you were out here anyway. You decided it would be better not to tell him that you used to be with the resistance, so you just said that you had been kicked out of your home. He checked out your camp and said that you could come and train at the veterans centre and become a soldier, but you quickly turned that down and explained that you didn't want to fight a war. You were homeless and alone, Jacob knew exactly how that felt so he kept dropping by randomly and leaving supplies for you. You were amazed by the kind gestures, eventually you explained who you were. He saw himself in you too much then, you were fighting a war and then betrayed by those you trusted. He had also become fond of you. He offered you a place to stay and assured you that you wouldn't have to become a soldier of join the cult, but you would be warm and dry, be able to wash, and eat better. Over your time with Jacob you began to trust him and grow to like him so you accepted his offer. Jacob was a much deeper person that the resistance made his out to be, maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge him or even his brother.

John Seed-

You were camping out in Holland Valley among some trees. You thought it would be safer than the mountains or near bliss fields. You didn't expect John Seed to stumble upon your camp while he was mumbling to himself. When he first saw you, you both got defensive. You managed to defuse the situation and calm him down. He instantly took a liking to you and tried to convince you to join the cult, which you refused but didn't tell him that you were once a member of the resistance. You explained that you fought for neither side and he actually respected that. John then began to visit you when work was getting on top of him, he would complain to you and he just genuinely enjoyed your company. He flirted a few times but you always steered the conversation back to a friendly one, it was John Seed after all. He eventually told you his life story and you had grown to like him, so you thought it was only fair to do the same. When you explained your past alliance with the resistance John became doubtful of your friendship but as you explained that you wanted nothing to do with them anymore he accepted you again. He even offered you a room in his ranch, without needing to join the cult. You learnt that John was much more complex than the resistance thought of him, he was so deeply damaged and you just wanted to make him better. Something the resistance wouldn't understand.

Faith Seed-

You decided to camp somewhere in the forests of the Henbane River, no cultist seemed to come around here and there was no bliss fields nearby. When you heard the sound of a woman singing you panicked, thinking that you were going crazy or that maybe there was some bliss around here somewhere, but then Faith wandered into your camp. She just smiled at you and introduced herself, assuring you that she was real when she noticed you doubting whether she was just a hallucination or not. You told her your name but nothing about the resistance. She was nice and welcoming, sweet and offered to get you some food or money which you refused. She would visit every now and again, her visits becoming more frequent over time, because you both found yourself enjoying each others company. She would even stay over night sometimes, just watching the stars together. During your time getting to know Faith, you learnt that she wasn't a monster. She was a sweet young girl who was just trying to find somewhere to belong where she is safe and loved, she wasn't what the resistance made her out to be. So when she offered you a safe place to stay without having to join the cult, you accepted. A chance for a home and more time with Faith.


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