You're New to Hope County

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Request: You just arrived in Hope County and get the Seeds' attention. You aren't a part of the resistance or Eden's Gate, just passing through, but the Seeds want you to stay in Hope County.

Joseph Seed-

You had been passing through Hope County, and were still deciding whether you wanted to settle down here or keep moving to see if you could find somewhere better. Joseph was aware that you were new to the County since he tended to hear about everything happening around the area. He hadn't actually gone looking for you but he did run into you while you were speaking to some of his followers. You were talking about God and Eden's Gate, well they were trying to teach you about it and you seemed genuinely interested. So he wandered over and offered to teach you a little more about it and you agreed and found that he was something very special. He even offered you a place to stay before you left Hope County.You both found that you really liked spending time together but you reminded him that you were just passing through Hope County and had to leave eventually. 

"I know that you never planned on staying here but I would like it if you stayed, I would miss you if you left. Please least a little longer"

You smiled at Joseph as he tried to convince you to stay, but to be honest it didn't take much convincing. You wanted to stay in Hope County because you actually liked it here and you wanted to stay with Joseph because you found that you actually liked him too...a lot. And you would definitely miss him if you left. So you agreed to stay with him in the compound and you knew that you wouldn't regret it.

Jacob Seed-

You had just been passing through the Whitetail Mountains, not sure whether you wanted to stay here or move on. Jacob and seen you hunting and was rather impressed with how well you could handle a gun, it's what made him approach you in the first place. He gave you some tips and you somehow ended up spending the day together and hunting. Before you knew it you were both going hunting together, which escalated to camping trips together. You both found that you really liked spending time together but you reminded him that you were just passing through Hope County and had to leave eventually.

"Why do you have to leave? You can stay here, there is plenty of space in the Veteran Center for you. Just...give it a chance, you can still leave if you want to"

Jacob tried to convince you to stay, showing more vulnerability in those few seconds than he had in all the time that you knew him. You just smiled at him, the offer was very tempting and you would be lying if you said that you didn't want to stay with him, even if it sounded crazy. But like he said 'just give it a chance', so you did. You agreed to stay with him, and even if he never said it he couldn't have been happier. Your hunting trips and camping trips continued, but now it was to escape the chaos in the veteran center rather than the spend time together since you were pretty much always together now.

John Seed-

You had just been passing through Holland Valley with the intention of leaving once you got bored of the area. But you never expected to meet John Seed. John had seen you hanging around Rye and Sons Aviation, at first he thought you were just friends with the family but then realised that you actually had an interest in planes and he knew that he had to meet you. He was charming when he first approached you and could see yourself liking him but when he offered you a flight and flying lessons he had you. It started with you bonding over his beautiful plane but soon you were eating dinner with him and spending full days together. You both found that you really liked spending time together but you reminded him that you were just passing through Hope County and had to leave eventually.

"I...don't want you to leave. Please stay, stay with me. If you have nowhere to go you can stay at the ranch with me. I would just like for you to stay"

John was dedicated to getting you to stay in Holland Valley, after all of this time with you he couldn't just let you go. He wanted more time with you and you actually wanted more time with him which is why you agreed to stay with him and even accepted his offer to stay at the ranch. You just became aware that you wouldn't want to be anywhere without John by your side, so you would happily stay here.

Faith Seed-

You were just passing through the Henbane river and intending to keep moving but the scenery was beautiful so you decided to stay a little longer than you had planned. Faith had seen you admiring the natural beauty of the region and it made her smile since it was something that she had always admired as well. She had casually approached you and you both just hit it off, she even offered to show you her favorite sights in the region. This also gave you a reason to stay. This was how most of your days were spent together, the both of you becoming closer all the time. You both found that you really liked spending time together but you reminded her that you were just passing through Hope County and had to leave eventually.

"Please don't leave. I would really miss you and I just...just want you to stay here. At least a little longer. I don't want to lose you yet"

You could see how sad Faith was as she tried to convince you to stay, but you weren't ready to lose her yet either. So you decided to stay, you couldn't really see the downside to staying here. You loved the area and you truly believed that you and Faith still had a lot of things to do together and a lot of things to see still. You had never seen her as happy as that moment as she threw her arms around your neck.


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