Chapter Thirty Five

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It's been three weeks now since they had lost Hoseok and Jackson, the house had fallen into a deep depression at the loss.

His precious boy refused to leave their bedroom, only ever coming out when he needed to eat.

The day of the funeral finally arrived, everyone stood around a huge hole in the ground.

They had ordered for a double coffin to be made, not wanting to bury the two lovers separately.

Both bodies lay side by side in their coffin, their hands holding each other as they lay sleeping peacefully.

Most of the men tried their hardest not to shed tears at the fallen men, but as they heard their wives and girlfriends cry they couldn't help but shed a few tears.

People spoke speeches about the two, remembering happy memories they had all shared before their lives were taken away from them.

Jungkook cleared his throat, tears brimming his eyes but he did not dare shed a tear "Jackson and Hoseok where a loved pair, they always knew how to make anyone happy. They were my best friends and it's hard picturing the two laying lifeless in that coffin," he said, choking on a sob that was threatening to leave his lips.

"They died with honour that night, they died trying to protect my precious boy and that I am grateful for," a small tear rolled down his cheek "They were like my older brothers, we argued but we also had fun times together when everything wasn't serious. They always knew how to cheer someone up when they were feeling down, and it's truly hard seeing them gone. They sure won't be forgotten. May they rest a very peaceful sleep," he finished, a small cry finally leaving the tough mans lips.

He felt small arms wrap around his waist, looking down he saw Taehyung was hugging him as he buried his face into his chest.

He could feel the boys tears drenching his shirt as he watched them finally begin to lower the coffin, the coffin that held his very two best friends.

Cries could be heard all around, no one held back on this day. No one was afraid to show that they were truly upset about this, even the ones who were bed bound came to the funeral.

Everyone came to pay their respect for the dead lovers, everyone shed tears for them as well as they all said their final goodbyes.

Flowers were thrown down onto the coffin along with dirt as people finally walked away, leaving only Jungkook and Taehyung standing in front of the hole.

"I miss them already," he heard the younger cry.

Jungkook nodded his head "I miss them as well, even with them being gone they will always be near."

He felt the younger nod "I know, but they didn't deserve this. They died because of me, they shouldn't have had to die because of me," he cried "They had a life ahead of them."

Jungkook pressed a soft kiss to the top of the boys head "Please don't blame yourself Tae, it's not your fault they died. It was that asshole Hyungwon's and the rest of them Black Dragon's fault."

"But that wouldn't of happened if I wasn't here," he said "They'd still be alive if I wasn't here."

"You don't know that baby," he replied, lifting his face so that he could look into his eyes as he lightly placed his hands on his cheeks to wipe away his tears "This life will always be dangerous, they knew the consequences of being in this and they were willing to take it."

"I don't like this life," he whispered "It takes the people you care about most away from you."

The older nodded his head "I know it does my little prince, but what can we really do?"

The younger only sighed "I don't know," he sniffled.

"I'd love nothing more then to sweep you away and take you away from this life, you deserve so much better than to be living in fear constantly," he said.

Taehyung looked up at him with tear filled eyes "Then why can't you?"

"Because I'm the boss, it's the burden I have to live with. I can't just get up and leave," he sighed with a small shake of his head.

"Can't you just pass the burden onto someone else?" He asked a little hopefully.

Jungkook only shook his head "It's not that easy baby."

A small frown formed on the younger's lips, his face burying into the older's chest once more "What if we got married and decided to adopt, would you really want your kids to live this kind of life?" The younger mumbled into his chest.

Hearing that the boy might potentially want to marry and have kids with him in the future warmed the males heart, just knowing even after everything they've been through he still wants to be with him.

Shaking his head, he replied "Of course not, but baby I can't just give this position away like a free prize. It's a lot more complicated then that."

The younger only let out a small sigh of defeat, nodding his little head.

"Now lets go home," Jungkook took hold of the younger's small hand, walking away from his two best friends.

As they walked away, two people stood by the hole in the ground with their fingers intertwined and small smiles on their lips.

They watched as their two friends walked away from their grave, even if they were gone their being will always be together.

The both of them were in peace, they had each other in the afterlife and that's all they needed.

"I'm going to miss them," the ghost of Jackson said.

"I'm going to miss them too baby," the ghost of Hoseok replied.

Once the couple had finally left the grounds, both Jackson and Hoseok disappeared with small smiles on their lips.

Jungkook and Taehyung got into the car before they were driving away from the graveyard, with a promise to always come and visit their friends.

Maybe they weren't here no more, but they would never not go to where they lay. They will always want to go and visit them.

Jungkook took hold of the younger's hand, intertwining their fingers as he flashed him a small smile.

His friends may be gone, but he still had his beloved boyfriend by his side.

This was a harsh world, it takes people too soon. Leaving others sad and heartbroken.

But for now, they still have each other and the rest of their family.

And that's okay.



Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ