Chapter Twenty Eight

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The past two months have been great in Taehyung's opinion, it's the first time in a very long time that he has genuinely been happy.

His and Jungkook's relationship has been going well which was surprising, he thought that Jungkook would have just gotten bored with him but his guesses were wrong.

You could also say that he's pretty much kind of moved into Jungkook's room as well, seeing as it's the place he spends most of his nights.

He still uses his room of course, his clothes are still in there and he uses it when he goes for a shower seeing as Jungkook needs his for when he needs to shower himself.

Other than that, his time is either spent in Jungkook's room or downstairs with Jin and the others when they aren't busy.

Jungkook had brought him a phone and a laptop but he doesn't really use them much, he likes to communicate more than just using them.

The only time you'll see him using one is when he's on his own, it's the only way to entertain himself when he's on his own.

About a month ago he finally had the sling he hated so much removed, even though he still experiences pain for it he doesn't need to wear it. He just needs to take painkillers and do a bit of physio for it.

When it was removed he was finally allowed to help around in the kitchen, he's not much of a good cook so he just helps to clean the place up once in awhile when Jin really needs the help.

Sometimes he would also help with Yoongi, the doctor allowed him to partake in some of the things he does but not in everything seeing as he was inexperienced and could mess things up.

Taehyung wasn't really bothered by that, he liked being at least some help to them seeing as it actually gave the boy something to do when he's bored and alone.

Games on his phone weren't always fun to play, he even read some books but even they got boring after awhile as well.

He likes to be productive, he doesn't like sitting down and doing nothing all day. He's rather help out than do nothing.

Like this morning when he and Jungkook woke up, he immediately went downstairs to the kitchen so that he could help Jin.

He may have not done much but at least it was something, he helped to clean the things that he was done using as well as putting away the food that he was no longer using.

When Jin was finished, he helped him to dish everything out and carry it into the dining room with a smile on his face as he did so.

Helping was fun because Jin was actually quite funny sometimes, but lets be honest when he starts to laugh Taehyung can't help but to laugh himself because the mans laugh is just way to funny.

Once everything was out, people began to pile into the dining room taking there seats as they waited for Jungkook to come in.

He never really understood that but I guess it's just being polite, waiting for the boss man before they could all dig into their breakfast.

But it wasn't long until Jungkook showed up, looking as amazing as he always does.

Wearing a white shirt, skinny jeans and a tie along with his black timberlands.

Just looking at him brought a smile onto Taehyung's face, he waited for the man to take a seat before he was climbing onto his lap and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

Everyone in the room was used to this by now that they no longer looked over at them in shock, they just waited for Jungkook to say that they could eat before digging into the food.

"Someone's in a good mood," Jungkook said, a smile on his lips.

Taehyung nodded his head with a smile "Yep! I got to help Jinnie hyung which was fun!"

"That's great angel," he grinned, pressing a soft kiss to the boys forehead "I've just got some business to attend to for a bit then we can spend the day together, how does that sound?"

The boy grinned as he nodded his head again "Sounds great!"

The conversation continued on but with Taehyung beginning to feed the older male, both of them with smiles on their faces.

It wasn't long until breakfast was over and he was watching the older walk away with a small smile on his lips.

When everyone began to leave he saw that Jin was beginning to clear the table so he rushed over to him "Jinnie hyung?"

The older turned his head, smile on his face "What's up?"

"Can I help you tidy?" He asked "I don't have anything else to do for the day, well I need a shower and to get dressed but that's pretty much it."

"Well, you can if you want," he shrugged "After we've cleaned, go for your shower and we can spend a few hours together before I need to make lunch. How does that sound?"

A grin spread across the younger's lips as he nodded "That's fine with me! Let's get started then!"

And with that, the both of them began to clean the table taking all the dirty dishes into the kitchen before they began to wash up.

Let's just say the dishes took awhile to wash as both of them ended up throwing water at each other while the dishes just laid there waiting to be washed.

But they did finally finish them "I'm just going for a quick shower then," Taehyung said with a smile.

Jin nodded his head as he dried his hands "Alright, be quick because I wanna play a game!"

Taehyung nodded his head, rushing out of the kitchen and upstairs to his bedroom so that he could shower and get dressed.

As he was looking for some clothes to change into before he got into the shower, he didn't notice the figure slowly walking into his bedroom.

Once he had the clothes picked out, he turned around to head to the bathroom but just as he turned around he felt a sharp pain rushing through his head.

His vision soon began to blur as his body fell to the ground.

The last thing he remembered seeing was a man standing in front of his, holding the thing that hit him across the back of his head.


Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now