Love that has no bound.

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"I was working on my desk that afternoon. I got a call from Shivaay. I avoided taking it but it buzzed few more times. I know Shivaay is not an impatient soul so I panicked and picked.

He was talking in whisper. He told me that you had an accident. He told how badly you are injured and how terrible he felt when you were inside that OT. I can guess what was his condition.
You have no idea how strong Shivaay is.! I have seen him handling difficult situation so effortlessly, that day he broke down several times. He was still beside you. He was feeling exact pain you suffered Annika. I can't even imagine his condition. I shiver to even think about it.

Later he told me that he don't know anything about you. Your family, your friends, your relatives not even your guardian. He can't leave you there alone in that condition. He knew he will try his best and his brothers will help too, he wanted someone responsible for you. He can't trust nurse and hospital staff. While his home will be last option because he thought you won't like it.

And you will be weak when you'll get your conscious back. So he asked if I could come to help you? I was hesitate, you know I had career , my family how can I leave them.
Then he offered me a job. I knew his company is going great it was a good proposal. And I said yes. For him. Actually. And when I reached here I knew I did the right thing. Now I have a career and a family here. I never thought I will get such a gem of person as my sister."

Gauri told her hugging with teary eyes. Gauri knew it will be difficult to do it alone but she did it. Yes, she was not alone in this. Shivaay did not missed even a single day to come and check on her. Yes, he never came in front of her but he was there constantly.

Annika was recovering fast.

Her stitches were removed. It was similar to operation,it took two whole hours to remove those stitches.

Omru Gauri and Shivaay were waiting outside operation theater, restless to see her.

When she was allowed to meet people she asked to see Shivaay first.

When he entered he saw she was resting, reclining on her hospital cushion. He moved to her with slow paw. She realised it's him and opened her eyes.

" are you feeling? Is it....hurt..... hurting a lot?"he asked concerned over her state. He was very apprehensive about her recovery.

Annika did not answer. Instead she was looking at something very distant. Which was making him more concern.

" everything fine?" Why are you not speaking anything?" He asked panicking

"Are you happy now?" She asked without making an eye contact. Still looking at something.

"What are you saying?" he asked amused.

"Is it so confusing?" Shivaay looked at her is despair. He believed she is again blaming him for everything that happened, But he decided,this time he won't say a word. He already felt the pain of loosing her. He can't take that risk. Whatever She blames him with he will comply with it. Annika spoke again.

"Are you happy that I am fine? I know you have been involved in my recovery day and night, now your hard work paying results. I am fine. Now you don't have to come secretly to see me." She said. Calm and telling him she knew everything.

"You don't have to do this Shivaay. You were not wrong. I was stupid to blame you. I was possessed by my anger. You don't......"

"It's okay Annika. You don't have to say anything. I am not doing this because I felt guilty or something...."

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