Scene 6 - The Next Move

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Emerging out of the small tunnel covered in dead vines and rotting moss, The Doctor, Jamie and Vishar are the last to reach to the top of the exit and meet with the rest of the group. They stand around huddled together not too far away from the tunnel. Now in a place to act, the group discuss the possibility of stopping Corvax and Traag together.


There you are.


Hey, where's dad?


Ross? He must still be down there!


Dad? But Traag is down there with him.


I thought he was right behind us.


We must rescue him, come on.

The Doctor stops him.


If we all go down there we will all be left to the mercy of Traag. He would want revenge for what you did to him.


But we can't stand around here and let him get tortured again Doctor.


I know that, but if we all go back down there we will all be recaptured again.


Would he follow us up here?


I still don't think he knows how we escaped. He can search, but we need to get away and formulate a plan quickly.


First of all, we need to find Corvax again.


Doctor, you can't be serious? Look what happened last time you were with him.


He needs us alive Zoe, if we can find him first and stop this madness then we can't stop the rest of the dwellers from going on a savage manhunt for him and result in mass slaughter.


But what about my dad Doctor?


Well if my guess is right, he would want to keep him alive and want us to be led back here to be recaptured.


I, but that will be if he doesn't want to hunt down Corvax first.


But we'll try and be optimistic and hope that doesn't happen.


So, where from here? To find Corvax?


Agreed, come along.

However, we zoom out of the range for several hundred yards quickly, only to find someone hiding under good cover spying on The Doctor and his friends. The rock cover is enough to hide a small crack inside for Corvax to peep through and gather the information he knows.


Excellent. The Doctor shall give the TARDIS to me, and then we can begin our conquest of the universe.

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