Scene 5 - The Doctor and Corvax

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The Doctor has finally arrived down towards the house, tired and hot from the exhausting journey downwards. He stands, moping his brow with his handkerchief, waiting for a sign of someone, yet ready for any unexpected surprises.


Hello? Anybody home?

Corvax finally reveals himself from the hut, delighted for his newly arrived visitor, proudly greeting him.


Ah! Hello dear sir.


Oh. Hello. How do you do?


Please sir, do come in. I have been expecting you for sometime.


Oh, me?


Yes of course. I must require your valuable services at once.


Very well.

The Doctor is invited inside to the hut. Inside is hardly much to contemplate with. The only objects worth anything inside is a vast wooden table, comforting chairs and sets of other spare objects and parts littered across the room, as well as some nailed to the damp, ochre wall. The Doctor is unimpressed with this.

Oh dear. Not very much in here, is there?


It is enough for me here on Quinnis to last for now.


I see. Do you come from the planet Quinnis then?


No. Sit down and I will explain who I am. Or more to the point, who you are and what you are doing on my planet.

The Doctor is offered the seat as they both sit down, but on both opposite ends of the table, stretching for some considerable distance.


How kind, thank you. So, you do not come from Quinnis, but you now seem to own it.




And you say that you require my services of some kind?


Indeed I do. Care for a glass to drink?


Oh no thank you. So what are these services?


I will tell you firstly. My name is Corvax. I am the last of the Casthians.


Yes, I know you're a Casthian. How could I not recognize your unique features of such a creature. But, you say you are the last of your race?


Correct. To put a long story short, I'm a scientist for my planet, and when I was experimenting with my planet's orbital spin, when I somehow caused my planet to explode from a large solar flare which completely wiped out Canthia.


Ah. Well Canthia was the only planet circling a sun that contained any form of life in the Bashtar system, small for a solar system. But playing around with the orbital positioning of a planet must use a colossal amount of power.


So much that it destroyed my home planet. Now there is no life whatsoever in the Bashtar system.


Yes. Shame really, you Casthians are a peace-loving race, I had always wished to visit your beautiful planet.


I'm grateful dear sir. Especially that the responsibility is mine for destroying my entire planet.


But you certainly got around from Bashtar into the fourth universe, didn't you?


My ship I was inside when I was conducting the experiment, I was able to escape through that. Then, I was a lone survivor, circling and scavenging through the universe finding a planet most suitable for me to sustain life. I barely had enough fuel to make it alive to the planet. Once I found Quinnis, my fuel ran out. I crashed the ship in the bog and eventually got out before it sank. I have been stranded away from my home planet for two years now.


Oh, I'm sorry. Do you know what happened to the rest of the survivors of Quinnis then Corvax?


They still live, but conditions on this plant have grown far worse since the two years I have been here.


And so what happened?

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