Scene 2 - The Arrival of the TARDIS

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The TARDIS's centre column maintains the ship through the time vortex and space/time continuum on their next journey. As the ship is left to its' own works, the Doctor stands next to his magnificent ship staring at it with a great smile, maybe fiddling with a few controls of the ship in the meantime. He is glad to be on his own for a change. Now, he can take a look at his favourite recorder and dust it down slightly after all its busy use. Loudly, Jamie and Zoe enter the control room blurting out questions on where they are in the universe and annoying the Doctor.


Ah Doctor.


Oh no!


Where are we now Doctor?


There's no good asking him Zoe, he can't operate this ship and you know it.


No, no. Can't anyone get a little bit of quiet around here? Firstly Zoe, I will check the scanner to see where we are.

The others follow him around to the control and scanner.

And Jamie, of course I can control the TARDIS. It's just that she needs a little check-up at some point. She hasn't always been the most reliable or cooperative I'll admit.


Like escaping the missile from the Cybermen or arriving on the so-called lovely planet of the Krotons?


That wasn't her to know that. Anyway, it almost seems that she puts us down where evil must be fought.


But of course, you can always control the TARDIS.


Indeed I can Jamie! Sometimes it is also more fun when you don't exactly know where you'll end up because, well, where would the fun all be then?


Like the planet we are approaching now.


The what?


We're approaching it now.


Right. Jamie, you want to see me control the ship, then I will show you. Plus, we will arrive somewhere which even I don't know, and we will explore.


We've seemed to have heard that one before.

Somewhere not too near where we left off from with the settlers underground, but a very similar, if not identical place, the TARDIS materializes down and finally bringing some life to the planet.


There we are. We have arrived. Now, let's see what the scanner shows.

The planet shows the landscape of Quinnis as described.


What is it?


Some old jungle if you ask me.


The planet looks just, dead. All vegetation has died out, a long time ago it seems. There has been no life on this planet for a while so it seems. Maybe that the nutrients required for plant life, biotic and abiotic have all died out.

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